My Son

Tours - Vietnam

content tour:

Almost all travel organizations in Hoi An provide tours to My Son which is located about 55 kilometers from the city. The tour takes you past the old Cham capital Simhapura (now: Tra Kieu) although not much of it is left.


The tours depart around 08:00 and will bring you back at 13:00 in the afternoon. Count on about 125,000 to 150,000 for a return trip.


There are also opportunities to take a boattrip back to make the day a little longer. Exclusive is the admission fee which in 2009 amounted to 60,000 VND.

tips & advice:

  • Plan you’re trip early in the morning because it gets very hot and very busy on the site. My Son 's fences open at half past seven in the morning and you should not arrive much later. You will have to leave Hoi An between 5 and 6 in the morning to get there to arrive so early. If you are tired of walking around the site, the first tour groups will arrive. 
  • Take a picture of the folder at the beginning of the site. It is all pretty sloppy and poorly indicated and to view everything (it is not that big) a map is very handy.

see also: