
Travel Stories - Vietnam

The horror bus

It's just about eleven in the evening in Ho Chi Minh City when I board the night bus for my trip to Dalat. Upon entering I am immediately asked to take off my shoes and deposit them (and take them) in a yellow plastic bag hanging on the side. Now I see that it is a night bus with beds that I never wanted to sit in again; at least that was what I intended when I left Vietnam in 2002.


As I walk past the beds that are stacked two high and barely long enough for the short people who live here, I’m wondering which bed is for me. All-in the back with three others next to me. This is the worst place on the bus. If the bus goes through a bump your head ends up in the board above you where four people sleep. The leather is smooth and you slide down anyway if you do not put your feet on the headrest of the bed in front of you.


Not to mention the length and breadth of the place. You can not stand up because there are beds above you so I try to make the best of it. We immediately drive away to pick up new people somewhere half an hour later. I pull my cap over my face, put my earplugs in my ears and try to sleep. Hours pass while the "boys" next to me are finally  snoring. 

Easyrider or not

When I open my eyes I see that everyone is awake, the light is on and that we are standing still. Terrified, I look outside where it is still pitch dark and then on my watch - five o'clock. This can not be Dalat because the journey would take 7 to 8 hours. But it is true, this is it already my destination and we got out one by one. Half sleep drunk, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and stretching me there is a queue waiting for the door to get out.


They are "easyriders" ready to catch tired meat getting of the bus. As always, I walk straight through the line to get my bag out of the trunk first. Fortunately, the bus station is open. The men (motordrivers) do not give up quickly and offer to me a few days on their motorcycle through the country to tear. Tired I nod my head and walk to the iron chairs in the waiting room. I take my stuff a bit and attach my big bag to the chairs while I use my little bag as a pillow.


But not before I have my long pants on and have done some warm on because it is fresh at 1500 meters altitude. I do not really sleep, but at least people leave me alone. When it is light I make the 3 km long walk to a tip I get for a hostel. The owner treats me with a mug of delicious steaming fresh coffee and a couple of sandwiches with freshly made peanut butter. That is another welcome party.

Hang Nga "madhouse"

I am on my way to visit the Hang Nga building or as someone called it the "crazy" house. Personnel walk in yellow Chinese suits with a straw hat and the house is actually more of a complex of the most strange architecture I have seen in years, hence the name. There are a number of buildings in different styles that you can best compare with "Gaudi" architecture or style.


Lots of color and strange shapes with tunnels, small spaces, rooms, corridors and little hiking trails through greenery. The garden looks a bit like a Japanese garden with lots of greenery, water and beautiful flowers and plants. After 45 minutes I have seen this crazy place where you also can stay and walk into reality again. 


At seven o'clock I walk downstairs where I find an Israeli couple who is eating already; strange that I am invited for the family dinner at this time. But the owner dissolves it perfectly - we are all three invited to first drink a glass of "Dalat" wine (Vang Dankia) together. Because the couple is already full of eating, they just do not want to eat anymore, but eat with courtesy; there is of course rice but also shrimps in sauce, soup, a vegetable mix of small green beans and I would say of course "Vietnamese spring rolls"! What a perfect meal and a perfect end to my stay in Dalat. 

tips & advice (2014)

The quite professional bus station of Dalat is about 1 km south of the lake and 1.5 to 2 km from the center of the city. If you book an "open bus" ticket at, for example, the "Sinh" café or your hostel, you will of course be picked up at your hotel. You can reach the station on foot but it is on a hill.


Dalat - Lak (lake): I had my hostel called for a ticket and I was picked up by a minibus. There is a bus at 7 am, half past ten and half one. Cost is 130.00 VND. The little bus was packed with people and other stuff. The ride would take 4 hours but it was 5 hours.

  • Name: Hang Nga Crazy house

Address: 3 D Huynh Thuc Khang

Price: 40,000 VND


Content (evt):

The "madhouse" was actually built as a private project by the Vietnamese architect Dang Viet Nga. When the costs became so high, she decided to open it to the public in 1990 that flocked en masse. She says she is inspired by the natural environment of Dalat and Catalan architect Gaudi.


The house was soon renamed the madhouse by foreign tourists and "Nga" baptized the house as the admirers called it. It is a complex of corridors, caves, rooms, stairs and viewpoints whose exterior staircases have an organic cover. You can also stay in one of the 10 animal-friendly rooms. If you find the house to be ugly, you can always enjoy the view and the beautiful courtyard.

Dalat has a range of hostels and hotels. I have opted for an option outside the center where there is a street (see under) with several (budget) places.


  • Name: Ken's house

Address: D59 Hoang Van Thu street (Ward 4)

Price: 160,000 VND (single incl. Breakfast)

Phone nr. : (063) 3533344/3837119 (0986127967)

Website: http://kens-housedalat.com



Ken's house or Minh Thanh hotel - the difference is still not completely clear to me, close to the "madhouse" (Hang Nga) and within walking distance of the center of Dalat (on the side of the bus station). They have two hostels at different locations in the city. This property is located on a very quiet street near the main road. It is a bit of a search for the hostel. Downstairs is a small lounge that overlooks the street with some chairs and tables, a (sitting) couch and



On the 1st and 2nd floor are the rooms that look fantastic. Clean, fully furnished and neat. There are different rooms in different price ranges. I had a room without window, 2p bed, TV, fan (not necessary in Dalat), telephone and private shower and toilet. The shower has hot water and there is WIFI available (free). You get offered everything; water, tea, coffee and I even got fruit, bread and an evening meal with the family.

see also: