Yala National Park and Tissamaharama

Travel Stories - Sri Lanka


When I get off the bus at the intersection near Tissamaharama the driver points to a side road that apparently goes to the actual village where I want to go. There is a jeep waiting - who apparently knows what time the bus stops here - and the man wants to take me to the town for 50 Rupee. I have already removed my bag from the jeep because he told me to take me there for free. Of course he is the owner of a hostel and because I have already done my homework in the bus I know that this is exactly the hostel that I already had in mind.


They also do trips to Yala National Park. One minute later he tells me to put my backpack back – he will take me for free. After I checked in, the man promises that he will call some other hostels for interested tourists who also want to do a jeep safari and I tell them that I also walk into the center myself to check if people are interested to join into a trip together. I walk towards the center with on the one side a gutter with behind it forest with some hidden houses and on the other side is a kind of swampy area.


The town itself looks a bit dead; dusty and derelict buildings. The puddles on the streets and the weather also make it a gloomy whole. I do not see any travel agencies or an information agency where jeep safaris for which the village is known for are centrally regulated. I also do not see hostels and / or other tourists with whom I can consult. Actually, I had expected that I would be constantly inundated with touts on the streets, but nothing of this.


Back at the hostel the man offers a decent pricey safari in his jeep and I have big doubts but I don’t have a lot of choice.

Yala National Park

A very young enthusiastic boy comes to pick me up exactly in time - it is half past six in the morning when he stops with his jeep in front of the hostel. Along the way he quickly gets a "rotti breakfast" and also gives me one that tastes great. I will go by myself although I’ve asked the owner of my hostel several times to call around to pick up more people to save costs.


I couldn’t believe it that nobody wanted to join into a jeep safari through the most populair national park of the country. He didn’t anybody and now I have to do this by myself and pay also everything. It’s very quite on the road at this time of the day. At the buffer gate of the National Park Yala only four jeeps are waiting - a big difference to previous trips to national parks elsewhere. We also pick up a "tracker" at the gate. Because I pay the entrance fee quickly and the administration my jeep driver takes over everybody and we drive into the park. We are second only.  


First we drive past typical "leopard" places where they are often present in the early morning. Not today unfortunately. I see little streams, rocks and big boulders and a few speckled deer and even some crocodiles but not the beast that the park is famous for. Fantastic!


The tracker suddenly points out two gigantic big owls sitting on a branch of a tree underneath the jeep. I never saw them. After one and a half hours of tearing around it is almost light; In other words, the chance of seeing the leopard become smaller, we suddenly see two fighting males of deer. They bang with their antlers in each other and the sound has to be heard in the furthest distance. What a force.

my day

We continue our gamedrive and then suddenly we see in the distance, but clearly and without a doubt a leopard crossing the path. My driver puts his feet on the gas and we tear closer, but the animal continues his walk and disappears in the bushes next to the road. We don’t give up and drive around the block of ushes but we don’t see him anymore – we have lost him.


We drive back where we’ve lost hi mand we are lucky. The big cat is sitting quietly behind a few bushes waiting for us to continue. We drive a bit through but then stop the jeep and turn the engine off. We can see him sitting in the bushes and it looks like he wants to pass the road. He hesitates and keeps on looking our direction and we’ve got a pretty good few of him or her. If he does, I have a picture of a leopard that even experts would envy. It is dead quiet, no other jeep in sight and we wait .. and wait.


Then suddenly he decides to do it and walks with a curved back and trot to the safe side, again into the bushes. It goes so fast, but at 10 meters in full glory I saw a male leopard in the wild! The big cat walks into the bushes, and now we see why he so badly wanted to go to the other side; there is another leopard between the leaves. We move the car slightly so that we have an even better picture. We hear the animals growl at each other and it’s great to see them ly down next to each other. We also see them looking at us very clearly and I have to pinch myself to realize that this is real. They yawn, lick each other and play  among the trees as if we are not there.


The male stands up again and we gently start the engine to let it slide parallel on the road. There appears to be a water hole and when we are looking at a very short distance, he looks up - this is the photo you see in the magazines! Unique! He leaves after drinking and we continue to leave the animals by themselves.

The tsunami spot

I spot a lot of beautiful birds, a few waterbuffalo’s and several deer before heading towards the beach; a place where the "tsunami" and his destruction is still visible. What once a bungalow must have been is now a ruin and you see that the jungle recovered slowly from a disaster that took place here. There is a plaque as a reminder of that fateful day.


All jeeps from the park seem to rest here and while the other tourists have not seen anything spectacular I tell my impressive story about my encounter with the leopards. I also hear from several people that their owner of the safari tour had said that there were no other tourists - so almost everyone is alone in their own jeep! After 20 minutes here we take off again and close to the beach we stop next to two elephants that are close to the road. Two Hanuman Langor monkeys and a mongoose fly over the road. A male leopard seems to have been spotted and we drive together to the designated place.


Here is a row of jeeps to look at indeed a large impressive beast that quietly walks through the bushes. My driver does everything in his power to get so close and in my opinion puts the other jeep drivers to despair. On the way back I see an eagle in the tree and I thank the "tracker" for his help when he gets off. Upon returning to the hostel the owner comes directly to me with the guestbook and exaggerates that this has everything to do with the driver. He explains me not to mention my price for the jeepsafari in the book - the others would pay a lot more.


I wonder if I am ripped of or that he is going to rip the others. I wave the man goodbye and walk towards the minibuses in the village.

tips & advice (2009)

On the main road I waited for my bus towards Mataraan. There I changed to the bus towards my final destination today: Tangala. Early in the afternoon I arrived in the beach town at the bus station.

  • Name: Hostel Traveler's home

Price: 700 Rp (single)

Phone nr. : 223 7958

E-mail: supuncj@sltnet.lk



This hostel is located just outside the city center and is actually more of a large country house than a hotel building as we often see in Europe. The rooms are very close to the family-ones and there is not much privacy. The location of the hostel is superb and there is a nice terrace outside. The room has a private shower and toilet - breakfast is exclusive. Meals can be ordered here and are very tasty (400 Rp).


The man also provides safaris to Yala NP but is very pricey.


The National Park Yala is probably the best park in the world to see leopards in the wild and that has been proven. In addition to the feline, there are many other animals such as the elephant and the bear. Finally, I find it worth mentioning that the absence of dozens of jeeps and tourists is an extra reason to go here.


TIP: Try to find other people for your safari because only it is pricey and you can not enforce much.



  • Entry price 1 person: 1500 Rupee;
  • Price jeep: 4500 Rupee (including tracker).

ANIMALS present: leopards, elephants, bears, monkeys, deer, boar, crocodiles, buffalo, jackal and for example mongoose.

see also: