Port St. John's

Travel Stories - South Africa


It is a partial gravel road but also parts with good asphalt. It is late morning when we drive (me and a Dutch couple I met in Drakensbergen) through the small coastal town of Port St. John's and there is a good atmosphere. They are only a few streets and we see a large circus tent and some nice shops. The couple rented a car for a month to drive through South-Africa and asked me to joint hem which I did.


We decide to go to Amapondo backpackers which I like best - you can camp there and otherwise I would never have been able to get here (without a car) - it is 4 km outside the city. We come across a sign that you have to watch out for the two house-donkey’s, but we do not see them when we drive up the steep driveway. After we arrived we check in and I put my tent on a plateau with a view of the beach and the Indian Ocean.


There are also a few abandoned and partly broken houses on the other side of the river I see from there. Because it is still early we decide to eat something in town and then tonight (afternoon) to take it easy - to read and drink a beer.

Port St. John's

It is a strange little town with som beautiful things (a church, mosque and some beautiful colonial buildings) next to a market and remarkably many construction companies in the center. After looking around, we find a construction shack that serves as a local restaurant.


Many tourists do not come here that is clear very quickly but we enjoy the food. We choose chicken with rice and a glass of free lemonade. With the tip (10%) they are so happy that they are waving as if they won the lottery. In the village we have met some people (women) in traditional clothing and learn from local people that in a large white circus tent on a field near the town a cultural event is under way.


Outside on the site we see several groups strolling around and then we meet the organizer of the event. She takes us inside and we can sit at the VIP tables. We enjoy a performance and because of lunch they are stopped for an hour which gives us time and opportunity to look around.

The cultural event

There are even more (smaller) tents around the main tent where small stalls stand. We walk around, look around, sniff around and remarkably we are allowed to take pictures from all the people in traditional clothes.


They even ask about it. The Xhosa people turn out to be very friendly and open people and groups even stop eating, going to stand in a group for a photo. It is sweet and beautiful. Then the festivities begin again and we walk in and find a place for ourselves.


Later it would appear that we would be among the artists itself who love it. They want to take a picture, shake hands and talk to us. That has been different in Africa. One by one the groups arrive - some a bit boring while the other are spectacular.. After different kind of performances, we decide to go back to the hostel.

party in the hostel

There are three dogs in the hostel and two cats where the big dog is called Ceasar a bit crazy and dangerous. Papers hang everywhere to watch out for him a bit – especially when you drunk because then he bites. Stay away from his ears and head because he doesn’t like that. The music is good in the bar of the hostel and we order another beer (75 CL) and the big braai (barbecue) goes on.


We decide to buy a plate of meat from the reception (bar) that we can put on the barbecue ourselves. The alcohol flows and at a certain moment a big doll is put on fire in the garden. People start to dance and then the big boxes are opened and wigs, masks and other clothing are handed out.


The atmosphere is getting better and everyone is already pretty tipsy. We meet two nice Flamish girls and suddenly everybody is friends. The party continues until very late and I go to bed when it becomes light.

tips & advice (2015)

There is a "taxi tank" in the middle of the village.

There is (next to the bar of the hostel - see "overnight") in the village a bit of a commercial Western restaurant that is called Steve. In addition, you can eat diagonally opposite in a food-shack. Between the locals you can get a delicious meal for 30R - chicken and rice.

  • Name: Amapondo backpackers

Address: Second Beach Road

Price: 70R (camping)

Phone nr. : 047 564 1344

Website: www.amapondo.co.za



Approximately 4 km from the town of Port St. John's is this beautiful hostel located on a hill. They have a secured parking space, a good camping pitch (overlooking the hostel and the sea behind it), dormitories and cheap rooms. It is all very professional but also relaxed and hippie-like. There is a large kitchen with all the trimmings, showers and toilets (all clean with toilet paper, soap and a towel) but also a cozy bar where you can order food and drinks.


It is about a 10 minute walk to the beach where you have to look out for sharks but a bit further away you seem to be able to swim safely. You can do a variety of activities here and everything is arranged well and neatly. WIFI is available at the bar and is free. If you really want to go crazy, stay in the cottage on top of the mountain (600R) - you have here a kitchen, two terraces, views of the Indian Ocean and even a bathtub inside.In the village you can do your shopping.

see also: