Sneznik Castle

Places of Interest - Slovenia



Hidden between the hamlet Kozarisce which is built in the Loz valley and the mountain ridge lays the beautiful "Sneznik" castle. Built in the 13th century - most of which you see now is from the 16th century – it functions for years as the summer-and hunting residence of the German noble family Schneberg.


Around the castle, which may look more like a gigantic large country-house including a small water canal, towers and a stone walkway, there is an azure lake and a large garden with many trees. The interiour hasn’t changed very much as it was before – numerous bear- and wolf skins on the floor and 19th century furniture and family portraits (paintins) on the wall.


All in all one of the most beautiful castles in the country that you can only visit in a tour. Photographs can unfortunately not be made inside.



Sneznik castle:

From the original castle, which dates from the 13th century, is little left. Most of what you see today is a reminder of the 16th century and still heavily renovated in the 19th century.


A large building consisting of four floors, erected in white with rosy surfaces. The furniture that you see inside (from the Herman Schonburg-Waldenburg family) and the castle grounds are mostly from the 19th century and consist of small rolling grass plains with hazelnut and lime trees.



Next to the main building is a small wooden lock, a beautiful azure colored lake and a small stream that serves as a castle moat. There are also three traditional kozolecs or hay racks here. Around the castle are a number of buildings (including the hunting museum) and in front of it is a small clearing where you can see the two lanterns attached to the entrance of the stone walkway with domes. There follows a small courtyard where now the reception is situated.


The date of the first act of construction of the castle on this site is not entirely clear. In the year 1269 the then owner of the castle Meinhard von Schneberg is mentioned for the first time. But it was not until the 15th century that the castle was mentioned for the first time.


In the following centuries, the building switches owners by means of numerous marriages. In 1853 it was bought by the German prince Oton Viktor Schoenburg-Waldenburg. The third son of the prince inherited the castle and renovated it into a luxurious summer and hunting lodge. He would have taken care of the two towers, as well as the terrace, the defensive walls, the interior and the surrounding park in English style.


He also released reindeer in the forest, put trout in the lakes and laid out different hiking trails. Herman, the grandson of Oton took over the castle in his turn. When he died during WWII (1943), the castle administrator made sure that it was not drained so that the interior including all furniture was preserved. After the war, the castle and its grounds were nationalized and became a hunting lodge for important state officials. In 1983 it was decided to open the castle to the general public and it became a museum.

tips & advice (2013)

Without your own transport it becomes either walk or hitchhike - you can take a bus as far as the village Stari Trg pri Lozu from Cerknica - the rest you should walk (about 4 km) to Szeznik castle.


I hitchhiked and the man dropped me off at the community Iga Vas; there is a path to the road to the village Kozarisce where the castle is located. This is about a 1.5 km walk.

Name: Sneznik wild camping spot



There are, to my knowledge, no sleeping options around the castle nor in the nearby village of Kozarisce - if you take the forest trail behind the castle you can find enough wild camping spots though if you dare. But beware - the whole hill (on the side of the river, castle and village) is dotted with walking paths or paths that lumberjacks or other workingpeople use.


It is very difficult to find a sheltered place (a plateau) where you can not be seen by someone who uses a path. There is also a lot of wood cut down which makes the view good - and therefore a bad sign for you as a wild camper. I slept on a plateau on the hill near a clearing where there is a small lake. There are some spots on the edge but it is far from ideal.


Finally, I can mention that it is chilly here (it was only September and you are close to the coldest place in the country) and that there are many animals present.

If you like romantic castles and country houses in a beautiful setting this is a must to see - in the morning when I was walking alone here and it was pretty foggy it might be at its best.


Name: Sneznik Castle (Grad Sneznik)

Address: Kozarisce 67

Price: 4 euros (compulsory tour) - every hour

Time: 10:00 - 16:00 (18:00)


see also: