
Places of Interest - Slovenia



Ptuj is one of the oldest cities in Slovenia and well worth a visit. Located on the Drava river it dates from Roman times when it was a very important trading post since it was on the busy Maribor-Zagreb connection. The small and very compact historic city center is full of impressive old buildings and "protected" due to the hillside castle.


There are also museums, monasteries, churches and an old wine cellar to visit. Kurentovanje is one of the most famous and important festivals in the country and is held annually in February in Ptuj. It is a folklore event that ushered in spring and you should not miss it when you are in the region during this period.


The inner city:

From a distance it is already visible - the castle of Ptuj which towers above the city. Built in the 12th century and expanded in the following centuries. It now houses a museum but only the view is worth the climb.


Below the castle is the very small and compact inner-city where the streets are inlaid with cobblestones. Slovenski Trg, the small triangular square, is the heart of the Old Town and is flanked by several important buildings - one of which is the oldest house in the city - the Roman house. In front of the city tower is a Roman tombstone of 5 meters high from the 2nd century - in the Middle Ages criminals were chained here so that the whole city could behold them.


The beautiful stately city hall you can find a little bit further on the equally beautiful square Mestni Trg. Here you can enjoy the terrace of the Gothic building. On the old Presernova Ul are perhaps the most impressive buildings of the city - here the market was held in the Middle Ages. Many houses are decorated with beautiful boxes with all kinds of flowers in bloom. From here you walk through a sloping cobblestone path back to the castle. 


Other attractions:

  • The Dominican monastery and Ptujska Vinska Klet (old wine cellar).


During Roman times, Ptuj (then Poetovio) was first an important military post on the south bank of the Drava river. When the Romans in the 1st century A.D. pulled up towards the Danube, Ptuj became a very important trading post on the busy trade route between Pannonia (later Hungary) and Italy. The city was built on the other side of the river and became the largest and most important settlement in present-day Slovenia.


Another cause of this was the widespread worship of the originally Eastern Deity "Mithras" to whom four temples were dedicated in the city. In the 4th and 5th century AD the Goths would drive the Romans away, after which the Franks became the new rulers. In the year 546 the Longobards took over and a few years later followed the Slavs. In the 9th century the bishops of Salzburg arrived in the city and it grew in prosperity.


For a long time the city even competed with the nearby Maribor in importance especially due to the presence of the river. It lost the “battle” with Maribor a few centuries later because of the contruction of the train-tracks going to that city which is now the second city of Slovenia. In the 15th century the city (and region) was attacked by the Maygars (Hungary) who would establish here. The would be taken over again by the Habsburgs. At the time of WWII, the entire province was occupied by the Nazis (and not by the Italians) and had a hard time.



Many people were transferred to Germany and Italy to work there or were arrested (and shot) for reprisals by attacking Partisans. Until far into the 20th century, a majority was German-speaking here.


tips & advice (2013)

The train- and bus station in Ptuj are centrally located and not far apart. It is a pity that you can’t get any information about transport during the weekend as they can not tell anything in the central information center and the information booth in the bus station is closed.


I myself could not wait for Monday and hitchiked from a spot close to the big shopping center (behind the train station) at a roundabout with a sign Zagreb on it.

  • Name: Eva hostel

Address: Jadranska Ulica 22

Price: 13 euro (4bed dormitory)

Phone nr. : 771 24 41, 040 226 522




This hostel is perfectly located in the old town, as well as along the Drava river. It’s not far from the "Turkish" tower. There is a small parking lot, bicycles are rented out and there is a large kitchen where you can grab everything. Do not expect an overcrowded cuisine though.


The people speak English fluently and are very helpful. Upstairs are different rooms - there is a 6 and 4 bed dorm but there are also rooms with two beds (double) for different prices. Everything is fantastic clean even though it is a bit noisy. Also the toilet and shower is spick and span though an extra toilet and shower would be very nice. There is a PC waiting for you and there is WIFI.


see also: