
Places of Interest - Russia



Pskov is located about 30 kilometers from Estonia and is a mix between Russia on the one hand and the Baltic States on the other. The very strategically located city with its rich - sometimes violent past - lies on the river Velikaja, nearby Lake Pskov. For more than 700 years the city has been besieged, occupied, attacked and destroyed by, among others, the Swedes, Poles, French and Germans.


The green city's biggest attraction is the Kremlin with the Trinity Cathedral, its renovated but still impressive walls and towers and the Mirozsjki monastery not far from there. At about two hours from Pskov lies the estate Mikhailovskoe, where Russia's greatest poet Pushkin spent a considerable number of years.



The cityscape is dominated by the Kremlin with the Trinity Cathedral. This is located in the center of the Pskov, which is almost entirely surrounded by its protective city walls that were once 9.5 km long. The walls, built in the 13th century, served among others to protect Dovmontov Gorod city in the southern part of the Kremlin against enemy attacks.


The (inner) kremlin in the Kremlin was the religious and ceremonial part of the inner city. Just before the Kremlin you can still see the many stone foundations of Dovmontov.


The great attraction in the Kremlin is the already mentioned Trinity Cathedral "dating from the year 1699. Here new princes were inaugurated to lead the war and the cathedral contains a variety of princely tombs.

Mirozhsky monastery

The most important and most remarkable monastery of Pskov is the Mirozjski monastery on the west bank of the Velikaya river. The monastery dating from the 12th century contains the cathedral of the transfiguration of the Savior. This includes countless 12th century frescoes that have been said to be the best and most extensive surviving Mongolian attacks. 


Besides the Mirozjski monastery, Pskov also houses the Ivanovsky monastery from the 13th century. Finally, there are still a number of churches and chapels in the city that have survived the Stalin era well. 


Other attractions:

  • The Pogankin rooms and museum (Pskov), Stary Izborsk and Mikhailovskoe.



Pskov is one of the oldest cities in Russia and was not later mentioned in an official document than the year 903. German Teutonic knights conquered the city in the year 1240 but were defeated by Alexander Nevsky two years later during a famous "ice" battle on the frozen lake of Peipus.


Already in the Middle Ages, the city was an important center of trade and religion; an important movement developed within icon painting. It became an important Hanseatic city. The Poles would surround the city in the 16th century. A century later it was destroyed by Swedish soldiers. Peter the Great would use Pskov as his base for his big race to the Baltic Sea. 


During WW2 war the city was occupied from 9 July 1941 until 23 July 1944 by the Germans. It would be the first Russian city where a serious battle with the approaching Nazis was fought. The toll was high. Only 6% of the city's households were spared after the city was liberated. On 23 August 1944, the city was given control over the new Pskov oblast.



Pskov was also the city where the last tsar Nicholas II was at the moment he was abdicating. Pskov has had a hard time adapting to the market economy since the collapse of communism. In 2003 the 1100-year anniversary of the city was celebrated.


tips & advice (2016)

The train and adjacent bus station are about one kilometer southeast of the city center.


Pskov – Vilnius (Lithuinia): you can buy a ticket from Pskov to Vilnius via Riga with Ecolines (the office is located under the hostel in Pskov). The bus leaves at 03:25 and arrives at around 8:50 am in Riga (price is 1370R), then you can change at 11:00 to the bus to Vilnius (15:05 arrival - price 1090R).

Opposite the Kremlin (and next to Lenin square) is a small, almost hidden away restaurant called Venezia; you can

eat a fine pizza for 300R here.

  • Name: Hostel Schasttivy Sluckay

Address: Vokzalnaya street 26

Price: 500R (dormitory)



Opposite the train and bus station this hostel is fantastic if you have to leave early via one of them. The entrance is located at the rear and the accomodation is divided over a hotel and hostel area. The staircase does not look very pleasant but inside it looks much better (new).


The hostel has two rooms with both 7 beds. There are two bathrooms with shower and a small kitchen with free coffee and tea. You get clean sheets and a towel. The disadvantage is that there is no reception and you are often alone.


see also: