Kizhi (Petrozavodsk)

Places of Interest - Russia



Petrozavodsk is the capital of the Russian Autonomous Republic of Karelia. The city is spread over a length of 27 kilometers along the western shore of the Onegameer. The city was founded on September 11, 1703 as Petrovskaya in the name of Peter the Great, who needed a new ironmelting factory for the production of cannons for the Baltic Fleet at the time of the Great Northern War.


During the Finnish occupation of East Karelia during the Continued War of 1941-1944 the Finns renamed Petroskoi's place to Äänislinna (Onegaborg); a settlement (fort) that was mentioned on a 17th-century Swedish map near the current city. The city is now known as a student city because of its proximity to UNESCO Kizhi, which has a boat-shuttle in summer.



Kizji is an island in the Onegameer in the Russian republic of Karelia. The island is best known for the wooden church buildings, chapels and houses that have been built there. The island is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Russia, and is on the World Heritage List. Kizji island is about seven kilometers long and 0.5 kilometers wide.


It is surrounded by about 5,000 other islands, most of which are very small and sometimes even consist of a rock that protrudes from the water. Other islands have a length of 35 kilometers. Access to Kizji is only possible in the summer by hydrofoil from the Karelian capital Petrozavodsk, and in winter by snowmobile. Kizji has a total of almost 80 wooden buildings. The three most famous buildings on the island are two large churches and a bell tower. These are inside a fenced in area.  


The largest of the churches is the 22-domed transfiguration church (also known as the summer church). This church was built around the year of 1714. The church has a big iconostasis; a wooden wall covered with icons. The church is 37 meters high and thus one of the highest wooden structures in Russia. Next to the transfiguration church is the smaller Intercession church (also called winter church). It has nine domes and was built around 1764. The third building within the Pogost is the clock tower, which was built in 1874.


All three buildings are built without the use of nails or other metal tools; this is characteristic of all Northern Russian timber architecture. At Kizji there is also a museum for Russian wood architecture. Furthermore, the island contains a lot of other wooden buildings such as windmills, chapels, houses, sauna’s and barns. For that the island has a great historical significance especially for Russians. There are two small villages on the island where some fishermen live. The staff of the museum also live on the island.

 Entrance: 500R.


tips & advice (2016)

Nearby the city of Petrozavodsk lies the airport Besovetsy. The train and bus station of Petrozavodsk are almost next to each other (on the other side of the track). These are located at the end of Pr Lenina on the west side of the center. The harbor is located on the east side of the same Lenina street on the "Onega lake. Trolleybus 1 or 5 runs from end to end.


Petrozavodsk - Kizhi: there are 2 boats a day in summer to Kihzni island - 10:15 and 11:15. The journey takes about an hour and costs 2850R for a return.


Petrozavodsk - Saint Petersburg: at least depart 2 trains a day from Petra to St. Petersburg. One in the morning (09:00) and the other at 22:40. The latter arrives in Saint Petersburg around 06:30. The costs were 1222R.

  • Name: Hotel Platinum (Petrazavodsk)

Address: Yn Yanaeba 5 G

Price: 1300 (double), 400 (dormitory)

Phone nr. : 63 23 85



This hotel is located at the back of the terrain of the bus station (backside) and you have a view from the balcony (the hotel is on the 5th floor of the building) although it’s not very exciting. It is therefore also within walking distance of the train station. A row with different types of rooms - dorms with 4 beds and a number of double rooms. All have small basic balconies.


The rooms are narrow but okay - there is a table, chairs, TV and even a microwave and kettle. Toilet and shower are in the hallway. There even seems to be WIFI (didn’t work when we were there) but do not expect great luxury. For example, you will not receive a key to close your room. Receptiondesk is in the begining of the hallway.


see also: