
Romania has a variety of attractions on all levels, in all areas. Here below you see a list of cities, sites, nature parks, etc. of the sights I visited while travelling in the country. These are divided into an introduction, highlights, history and other (general) information such as transportation, accommodation options and sometimes information about tours you can take.



One of the most popular sites in Romania is the city of Brasov; located in the mysterious region of Transylvania, it attracts millions of visitors because of the presence of the famous Dracula castle. You can also visit the Rasnov Castle. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | City



The capital of Romania, Bucharest, is a strange mix of old and new architecture. The biggest sights are the Revolution square, old Ceasescu's palace, the new Arch de Triomph and the historic city with its nightlife. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2004 and 2013 | Places of Interest | City



Next to the little village of Chiscau lies a complex of caves; next to the magical  stalagmites and stalactites that are mysteriously illuminated is the highlight an almost entire skeleton of a bear. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Travel Story | Cave


Danube Delta (i.e. Crisac) 

The Danube Delta is the second largest delta in Europe and is on the UNESCO World Heritage list. In this marshy area consisting of countless lakes and rivers with millions of migrating birds from all over the world come to lay their eggs. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | Delta


Horezu and Curtea de Arges  

In the south of Romania lies the unique monastery of Horezu situated in a very wooded area with numerous Biblical frescoes. In the town Curtea de Arges, on the other hand, is the beautiful cathedral built with marble from Turkey. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | Sights



There is really only a good reason to visit the village of Hunedora and that is the beautiful Dracula castle Corvin with its unique drawbridge, moat and high stone walls. Inside, the building is impressive with its torture chamber, Medieval dining rooms and a beautiful view. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Travel Story | Sight


Lacul Rosu

The site of Lacul Rosu lies in the north-east part of Romania and is popular with especially local tourists. It’s a magical lake where only tree-stumps show on the surface of the red lake; you can make a boat trip and beautiful hikes in this wooded area. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Travel Story | Lake


MARAMURES (Leud, Barsana and Sapanta)   

The province of Maramures in the northwest of Romania is an area where life seems to have stood still for hundreds of years. Wooden houses, ancient gates, churches (many on the UNESCO World Heritage list) and horse and carriage and a lack of public transport. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | Region



The Habsburgs would donate the largest legacy to the city Oradea in the form of a baroque and Fin de siècle architecture. It was only after WWI that the city and the region were assigned to Romania. After years of decline, the city is now undergoing a major refurbishment. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | City



Sibiu alias Hermannstadt is an old medieval city in the heart of Romania. The touristy but also attractive center is a big attraction where the roofs characterized by the eyes of Sibiu especially stand out. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | City


Sighisoara is a popular tourist town in the heart of Romania with a beautiful Medieval downtown center. Most people know the city as the birthplace of Vlad Tepes, or Count Dracula. His birth house is now an exclusive restored restaurant. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | City



The Royal town of Sinaia is best known as the ski resort of Romania, but also as the place where the first king of the country Carol I had his summer residence. This is a beautiful castle-like building with a fantastic interior that you can visit. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | Sight



Timisoara, the city of flowers, is of the most multicultural and developed of the country. Renowned for its many baroque buildings, Timisoara was also the city where the demise of former dictator Ceasescu unfolded for the first time. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | City


Transfagarasan road and Poienari

The Transfagarasan road is one of the most spectacular roads in Eastern Europe that resembles a car race track on the slope of a hill. Not far from this site is the ancient real castle of Vlad Tepes (Dracula) that he had built by Turkish prisoners. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | Sights


Vama Veche

The border village with Bulgaria Vama, as it is affectionately named, is the beach village of Romania; lots of sun hours, a wide sandy beach filled with bars, restaurants, fast food chains and countless possibilities for going out especially for the youth. Read more >>>



Romania | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | Beach