Colca Canyon and Arequipa

Places of Interest


Arequipa, the second city of Peru after Lima, is at an altitude of over 2300 meters. The city is also called The White City because many buildings have been built from the white stone rocks (“sisti”), which has been expelled by the volcano Misti. The city is renowned for its own intellectual residents, nightlife, regional spicy food and modern styled shops. The main square of the city, the Plaza de Armas, is found to be one of Peru's most beautiful. The cathedral and numerous colonial buildings surround the square. Arequipa was rediscovered the city on August 15, 1540. 


The city is in an active area of volcanoes and earthquakes. Arequipa is dominated by three large volcanoes: the Misti, the Chachani and the Pichu Pichu. In 1600 the city was completely destroyed by an outbreak of the Huaynaputina. Major earthquakes have taken place in 1687, 1868, 1958, 1960 and 2001. For these reasons, mainly low-rise buildings are found in the city. No other city in Peru has the best of indoor and outdoor living with the beautiful Colca Valley at a short distance with its unique Andes-Condor-birds.



You can say that the central beautiful Plaza des Armas is the beating heart of Arequipa. Here you also understand why the city is called the white city due to the salt-white architecture, exhibited in among others the pillar-covered arcades. The main building is the historic cathedral but the square (with a park in the middle) is also flanked by the Jesuit church de la Compania.


About 200 meters north of the square lies the red-colored Santa Catalina monastery on the same street. The city houses a number of interesting museums, of which "Museo Santury" and Museo de Arte Virreinal de Santa Teresa are the most important (and popular). You can also take a look at one of the many impressive colonial buildings that, despite the many earthquakes, have overwon the teeth of time.


Perhaps the Casa de Moral is the most beautiful of all. Others include Casa Rickets (San Francisco Street), Casona Iriberry and La Mansion del Fundador. Finally, a visit to the peaceful Yanahuara neighborhood is a pleasure. In addition to the nice local houses here, you have a viewpoint to see the mighty nearly 6000 meter high El Misti volcano. You can walk there from the center but also take one of the many minibuses that goes that way.

Colca valley:

Arequipa is the perfect base for visiting the Reserva Nacional Salinas and Aquada Blanca and the Colca Canyon. You can visit these with small buses (collectivos) although public transport is scarce and you will have to have a lot of time and patience in addition to the fact that the buses do not reach all sights.


A 2-or 3-day tour from Arequipa is recommended. The Reserva Nacional Salinas is located north of Arequipa and is often taken as a part of a tour. It is a plateau located over 4000 meters with beautiful views. Often llamas, endangered vicas and sometimes guanacos are spotted here. There is also the chance of seeing flamingos on the road from here to the much lower situated Colca Valley. 


The Colca Canyon is northwest of Arequipa and is one of Peru's most impressive sights. The valley is 100 km long and is about twice as deep as its famous namesake in the U.S. The valley is surrounded with numerous (high) volcanoes such as the Coropuna (6613 mtr) and Ampato (6310 mtr). The Colca Valley is a colorful area with villages discovered by the Spaniards. As they built many cathedrals to “educated” the local people (mostly Indians), local residents left the villages.


However, the local population came back and still adheres to the old traditions and ways of life. One of the things that is unique in this area are the extensive agricultural terraces. The residents still carry in some parts their very detailed and high quality authentic clothing. Other sights are the countless geysers that are scattered throughout the area and the giant "Condor" vulture that can be spotted here.

tips & advice (2000)

Arequipa's airport is about 8 kilometers northwest of the city center and can be reached by taking a taxi or a minibus with a display Rio Seco or Zamacola. These stop at about 700 meters from the airport.


The city's train station is about 1 km south of the Plaza des Armas while the main (long-distance) and regional bus station (Terrestre and Terrapuerto) is 3km south of the city center.

You can find several perfect places for drinks, breakfast, lunch or dinner at numerous places in and around the Plaza des Armas on the first floor. From here you have a beautiful panorama on the beautiful and cozy main square of the city.

see also: