
Nicagarua has a variety of attractions on all levels, in all areas. Here below you see a list of cities, sites, nature parks, etc. of the sights I visited while travelling in the country. These are divided into an introduction, highlights, history and other (general) information such as transportation, accommodation options and sometimes information about tours you can take.


El Castillo and Indio Maiz National Park

El Castillo, known for its pirate fort, is located on the border river San Juan (with Costa Rica) and is a non-motorized village. Near is the beautiful National Park Indio Maiz where you can make a tour through the jungle. Read more >>>



Nicaragua | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | Sight and NP


Corn Islands

Enjoying a bounty island in the Caribbean. Besides the fact that you can enjoy the Creole life here you can find beautiful beaches where you can spend hours undisturbed in the sun, sand, snorkeling and diving. Read more >>>



Nicaragua | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | Islands



Granada is the colonial jewel of Nicaragua with a beautiful Gothic cathedral, cloister and a Spanish fortress. But do not forget to visit the immense unique patios of the houses and buildings you walk along. Read more >>>



Nicaragua | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | City


Miraflor National Park (Esteli)

Esteli is a market town, a Sandinista stronghold and you can visit a cigar factory. The temperature is pleasant and the nearby Miraflor National Park is an absolute must. You can sleep here in a real finca (farm) and take walks through the cloud forest. Read more >>>



Nicaragua | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | City and National Park


Isla de Ometepe

The island with the most beautiful volcanic shape in the world - you can climb or enjoy the volcanoes and stay in a finca with beautiful gardens. Finally you can try to find historical petroglyphs but also enjoy the beach. Read more >>>



Nicaragua | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | Island



Leon is the largest city in northwestern Nicaragua and a stronghold of Revolutionaries, intellectuals and supporters of independence. The city was often the center of history and is for that reason full of interesting museums, galleries and churches. Read more >>>



Nicaragua | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | City



The city of Masaya has a beautiful (colonial) walled market but you can also visit the neighborhood Monimbo, the cradle of Nicaraguan culture. Just outside the city is the most active volcano of Nicaragua, the mighty Masaya. Read more >>>



Nicaragua | Travel 2013 | Places of Interest | City