Isla de Ometepe

Places of Interest - Nicaragua


The Aztecs thought that they found the holy land with those symmetrically running volcanoes exactly in the middle of this eight-shaped island in Lake Nicaragua. It is not for nothing that this island is on a short list of the seven extra world wonders. But there is more to do than enjoy and climb volcanoes.


Because of the fertile soil (because of the same active and actually life-threatening volcanoes) nature grows luxuriant and there are many animals on the island that you can try to spot during a kayak trip. But the list of advantages continues; it has a few beautiful beaches , especially the north side of the island. And finally, ancient petroglyphs have been found that you can go and see on a horse, motorbike, bicycle or walking tour with or without a guide.


I can add that the boat trip can be an adventure in itself and that there are enough different possibilities on the island in terms of overnight stay. From coffee farm to hippie hostel and from lodge to frenetic hotel.


Climbing the volcano:

Do you want to hike one of the most active, dangerous but also most beautiful volcanoes in the world? Then this is your chance. If you go for the big Concepction this will take about 10-12 hours and is only reserved for people with experience.


The smaller volcano (Maderas) can be climbed in about 5 to 6 hours and is already steep and heavy enough for most of us. If you are going to climb, prepare well (food, drinks, warm clothing, medical kit and a guide) so you can enjoy it.  



A Kayak tour is a unique experience to do this here around Isla de Ometepe. Besides the fact that you have a chance to see a variety of animals (especially the birds are prominent here and in large numbers), you can visit "Monkey of Congo Island". Here is a troop from a group of four "spider-monkeys".


Finally, when you kayak home at the end of the day you will see the sun in a setting that you do not often see elsewhere besides an almost symmetrical volcano! 


Other attractions:

  • Petroglyphs and a 40 meter high waterfall.

tips & advice (2013)

Bus Moyogalpa to Altagracia: this takes about one hour (17 C $). And then buses to Balgue and / or Merida go less often (infrequent). The bus from Altagracia to Balgue took about an hour and also cost 17C $. The bus directly from Merida to San Jose del Sur on the way back was 30 C $, while the boat (ferry) was 55 C $.


San Jorge to Rivas was 25 C $ by taxi (collectivo) and for the bus from Rivas to Penas de Blancas (border with Costa Rica) I paid 20 R $.


TIP: Do not forget that you have to pay 1 USD (or in Cordoba = 25) tax and pay USD 2 (or in Cordoba = 50) for the (departure) tax for leaving Nicaragua.

  • Name: Finca de Magdalena (Balgue)

Price: 100 C $ (dormitory)

Phone nr. : 88802041




You have to do some work for this because this finca is about 1.5 km from the road and can only be reached by an ascending gravel path what can be, especially when you walk in the middle of the day, very hot and heavy. When you arrive at the finca you see that it is a large complex/area with many buildings. The main building has two large wooden platforms - one serves as a restaurant and reception and the other to set up tents and give people the opportunity to sleep in the hammock.


Behind it are a number of rooms (most of the small dormitories) and a number of rooms for only sleepers. To my knowledge, there are also options for sleeping upstairs. A good number of toilets and showers are in the back. The view from the wooden platforms could have been fantastic if it were not for the trees to grow properly in sight of the lake and the volcano is no longer visible. The food is good and affordable - I thought it was a bit boring although the beach and petroglyphs are not far away.


  • Name: Hostal Monkey Island (Merida)

Price: 375 C $ (double)

Phone nr. : 89857800




This is a more "homy" hostal if you compare it with the finca in Balgue. Even if the bus is going in this direction it’s still quite out of the way. If you finally arrive you come to an area with a large piece of concrete floor covered with tables and chairs. The rooms are built in clusters around them with small stone paths. You can choose between a dormitory, doubles and according to me you can also sleep in your hammock or tent.


The staff is friendly and helpful. Especially the "double" (if you can find someone to share) is a very good deal, because you have your own toilet and shower and a quiet room with a terrace with two rocking chairs. You can do various things from here; such as a walk to the waterfall (4 hours in total), a kayak trip or a hike on the volcano Maderas.

see also: