
Places of Interest - Morocco


Chefchaouen is a city in the reef mountains in northern Morocco and a popular traveler mecca for years. The name refers to the shape of the mountain peaks above the city, which resemble the horns of an animal. The city is known for its beautiful location but also for its white houses with blue doors and (window) frames, small balconies, orange roof tiles and narrow streets.


In these streets you will see many workshops, where men and boys are bent over their traditional work and make bones, sew kaftans, or djellaba's embroidery. It is wonderfully cool in this mountain town and you can make beautiful walks in the area.



You can start you’re walkingtour through the beautiful medina in the east of the new district best at the gate Bab el-Ain. Here you will also meet when you come from the bus station. The heart of the old city is Plaza Uta el-Hammam with its cozy terraces. The whole town is painted white and blue, which gives the town a romantic but also a clean and clear picture.


The terracotta details give the city its Spanish temperament. The Medina is a small and well-organized part of the city with typical narrow alleys, small streets with shops and workshops. You can take a look at the Grande Mosquee from the 15th century or Funduq Chfichu.


This is a historic building that has been used for centuries for accommodation for pilgrims and travelers. In the east of the old part of the city you quickly reach the cool source of Ras el-Ma via the Bab Onsar city gate, where locals like to picnic and / or do the laundry. 


The kasbah of Chefchaouen (entrance 10 Dinar) was built by founder Moulay Ali ben Rachid in the 15th century. Two centuries later he would rebuild (read: improve and strengthen) it against hostile Berber tribes and later Europeans (Spaniards). In 1920 (during the Rif war) leader Abd Al-Krim had his headquarters here. Besides the beautiful view over the Medina of the city you can visit the ethnographic museum, visit the gallery and / or the lovely garden.


You can also view the prison and the watchtower. Finally, you can take a short walk to the ruined mosque which is about 2 km outside the center. This was strangely enough built by the Spaniards but abandoned during the "Rif" war in the 20's. You can get there by walking to the eastern gate "Bab El-Ansar" and into the mountains.


Moulay Ali ben Rachid, leader of the Ghomara tribes, founded the city "Chefchaouen" (then still called "Chaouen what means litterally (mountain) peaks") in 1471. The place was chosen to serve as the basis for Berber attacks on the Portuguese (and other European invaders) in the now Spanish enclave Ceuta. The city also grew steadily due to the arrival of many Muslim and Jewish refugees from Granada in Spain who were being hunted there.


It was these Spanish refugees who are responsible for the now famous white-lined houses, orange roof tiles and small courtyards. From the 1930s onwards, the Jewish inhabitants would paint blue (over) the old green doors and windows (color of Islam). Chefchaouen remained an isolated mountain town until 1920 when the Spaniards arrived.


Before they came trotting even Christian newcomers were chased away; two would be amazed at the strange, very traditional and old "Castillian" language that the inhabitants still used. From 1925 to 1927 it was part of the Rif Republic of Abdel Crimea. In 1921 he proclaimed an independent Islamic Rif Republic and led the resistance against the Spanish occupation. At that time the city was attacked and bombed several times by the Spanish army, during the so-called "Rif war. The Spaniards would remain until the independence of Morocco in 1956.

tips & advice (2008)

The bus station is about 1 to 2 km from the center in a south-westerly direction (Ave Mohammed V). Here "CTM" buses leave but also almost all other companies too.


Chefchaouen - Casablanca: the buses to Casablanca go via Rabat. The journey takes about 6 hours and costs 70 Dinar. 



The buses that drive via Chefchaouen often start their journey elsewhere. Chances are that they are (quite) full. Try to arrange a bus ticket the night before and come to the station in time.

On the most popular square of the city center of "Chefchaouen" (Plaza Uta El-Hammam) is a variety of different restaurants. They offer almost the same; an extra is that you have a wonderful view over the square.

  • Name: Hostal Mouritania

Address: 15 Rue Qadi Alami

Price: 80 Dinar (double)

Phone nr. : 039 986 184



In the center of Chefchaouen located near the Plaza Uta El-Hammam this is an excellent budget option. The rooms are simple but fine for a few nights; the toilet and shower are outside – in the hallway.


The staff is friendly and helpful and there is a nice traditional (with beautiful blue tiles) lounge where you can sit. There is also a roof terrace. Breakfast is good and you can order extra things.

One of the most popular activities you can do in and around Chefchaouen is hiking in the surrounding mountains. These mountains that are 1800 meters high are part of the Rif mountains and are the highest in this part of the country.


The landscape is green and there are many trees. The most common trek is the walk to Jebel El-Kelaa (1616 meters). You can climb this mountain in one day and start walking from Chefchaouen.

see also: