
Places of Interest - Mali


Like so many settlements in Mali, Mopti is also a collection of neighborhoods of different ethnic tribes. The city lies at a junction of the rivers Bani and Niger and is surrounded by rice fields and a lot of water and waterways. That’s why people call it sometimes the Venice of West Africa. Originally it was the Bozo people who found the Fula tribesmen here for trade - it remained an unnoticed small fishing village compared to nearby Djenne and Timbuktu.


But in the 20th century at the time of French colonization, trade on the Niger River was stepped up and Mopti became increasingly important as an intermediate station between growing cities such as Bamako and Gao. Nowadays Mopti is still largely depending on the surrounding rivers and has a large market, a beautiful mosque and a very lively market. It is the city to use as the basis of a river trip to Timbuktu.


Inner city

There are many different things to see in the inner city; you can visit the very lively harbor where incoming boats are disembarking and other full boats wit hall kinds of trade and goods departure.


All kinds of goods are offered in stalls at the port; large salt plates from Timbuktu but also dried fish, firewood, pots, goats, chickens and much more. The passenger boats to Timbuktu leave here and boats are made from wood a bit further away.


Behind the harbor is the real market with lots of fruit. In the old town which is a stone's throw from the harbor you can take a look at the beautiful "Grand Mosque" built in 1933 in Sahel style.

tips & advice (2012)

Mopti - Bandiagara: 2500 CFA costs the ride but the problem is that the van (taxi) will only start driving when it is full. In my case it was more than 10 hours later! The ride itself takes about an hour.


Mopti - Djenne: the price with a van is 2500 CFA between those cities . The journey takes (if everything goes) about 3 hours (including ferry crossing); it is about 130 km.

At restaurant Regal located on the harbor you can try a "captain" (nile perch). In addition, you can enjoy the fantastic view from the balcony where you eat.

  • Name: Hotel Roses de ex-Bafaro

Address: behind the water tower

Price: 7500 CFA (single)



The hotel is located in a back alley near the water tower and to what I know there are not none or at least not many (international) tourists in this hotel. There is a terrace where the owner usually sits, drinks his beer and play cards with friends. In the restaurant hang beautiful paintings but customers I have not seen. The rooms are spacious and mine was including shower and toilet – not ton ice but OK.


The beds are soft and there are enough blankets. What is striking is the number of different African statues, masks and other "souvenirs" that are present in the room.

see also: