Labuanbajo and Rinca

Places of Interest - Indonesia



Lubuanbajo lies on the island of Flores, which is part of the (East) Nusa Tenggara islands, who are part of to the small Sunda Islands. Striking is the more you travel east on this island group islands, some of them unhabited become dryer and warmer. They are under the influence of the hot and dry winds from Australia. The islands are sparsely populated and most people are Christian. The population speaks a multitude of Malayo-Polynesian languages. Flores Island was discovered by the Portuguese in 1512 and was controlled by the Makassarese and Bugis tribes.


In the 17th century, the VOC took over and also exchanged the missionaries from Portuguese to Dutch. Cinnamon but also with the slave trade the traders earned big money. To independence, the Dutch in this part of Indonesia would be confronted with uprisings of the local population.


Between Sumbawa and Flores lie the volcanic islands of Rinca and Komodo that have been declared a national park as the protected Komodo-varan is found here. Since 1986, the islands are also on the UNESCO World Heritage List.



The small Muslim - Christian fishing village Labuanbajo is best known as the starting point for a visit to the islands of Rinca and/or Komodo which are nearby. You can arrange transport here and the village has reasonable overnight and other tourist possibilities and facilities.


You can also book/arrange tours to small, often uninhabited islands with beautiful sandy beaches where you can sunbathe and  snorkel above the beautiful reef. If you want to enjoy the “view” walk along the north coast to Golo hilltop.


You have a beautiful panorama of the town of Labuanbajo and its pier. Labuanbajo is a small, sleepy town where you can hang around for a few days. There is a small information center in the main street near the pier.


Rinca / Komodo islands:

On the two volcanic islands of Rinca and Komodo, but also in the west of Flores, the famous Komodo-varans are threatened with extinction. Both islands have been declared a national park and are on the UNESCO World Heritage list due to the large lizards.

Komodo dragon (varaan):  

The komodo dragon is one of the most famous lizards because of its considerable length; up to 3 meters long. It is also the largest lizard in the world with its 1000 kg weight.


This varaan is a very vulnerable specie by the small distribution area and is therefore dependent on protection. The komodo dragon eats bait next to live prey. Many of the cadavers that are eaten are indirectly killed by the varaan.


The komodo dragon is therefore considered a carnivore and an alpha creditor, which is at the top of the ecosystem. Almost all lizards are eaten by different animals, but the komodo dragon, once grown up, has no natural enemies.


The varaan was only discovered and described by biologists in 1910. A lot of research has been done on the Komodo dragon and especially in the National Park Komodo. As a result, much is known about the biology, the way of life and the reproduction of this lizard. New discoveries are regularly made, it was not until 2009 that the komodo dragon showed well-developed venom glands, which produce a complex poison. For a long time it was thought that the toxic bite was due to the bacteria in the mouth.

By means of tours from Labuanbajo you can take a walk on Rinca and/or Komodo and watch the varans at close quarters and learn a lot from a guide about their lifestyle habits. Other animals such as monkeys, wild pigs, (water) buffalo, deer and wild horses live also on the islands.


ENTREE NP: 20,000 R.


tips & advice (2004)

Labuanbajo has an airport which is about 2.5 km from the city centre. Hotel owners can arrange a taxi. In the harbor at the ticket office you can arrange boat tickets to, among others, Komodo Island, Sapa or Lombok. Usually the buses are waiting on the place and time the ferry arrives.


Labuanbajo - Sapa - Bima - Mataram (Lombok): you can buy a combined ticket from LB to Mataram on Lombok. Times are about 8:00 am - (ferry) - 4:00 pm - (bemo) - 6:00 pm - (bus) - 6:00 am. Price is approximately 130,000 R including a meal and the ferry. Watch out with this combi tickets because the last ticket is often invalid so you can still buy an extra ticket.


Labuanbajo - Bajawa - Ende - Moni: with various bemos and buses you can travel to the east of Flores. Prices and times are approximately; 10 hours from LB to Bajawa (45,000R). It takes about 4 hours from Bajawa to Ende; the price is approximately 20,000 R. Then another 1.5 hours from Ende to Moni - price: 6.000 R.

Right at the beginning of the village, quiet and high in the trees, this beautiful restaurant is hidden away. It is called Nirwana.

  • Name: Gardena hotel (Labuanbajo)

Address: JL Ir Soekarno

Price: 30,000 R (bungalow)

Phone nr. : + 62 385 41258




The "Gardena" is located at the top of the hill with a view over the pier, harbor and the town of Labuanbajo. It has different kind of bamboo bungalow shacks (39 pieces in 2014) with a wooden plateau/porch with terrace. Prices are very different. It is surrounded as the name suggests with a large garden with palm trees.


The hotel was established in 1991 and was one of the first hotels/hostels in LB. There is also a restaurant.


  • TIME: 07:15 - 16:30
  • PERSONS: 4x


  • It is about 5 hours together; from and return to the Island of Rinca;
  • You walk about 2 to 3 hours by by means of a hike over the volcanic island and spending time closeby the Komodo Dragons;
  • During the cruise there are a number of possibilities for swimming and/or snorkeling.

see also: