
Indonesia has a variety of attractions on all levels, in all areas. Here below you see a list of cities, sites, nature parks, etc. of the sights I visited while travelling in the country. These are divided into an introduction, highlights, history and other (general) information such as transportation, accommodation options and sometimes information about tours you can take.


Bromo volcano (Java)

The panoramic view of the plateau with three volcano’s with the Bromo in the front is one of the most photographed scenes of Java and the country. You can make a tour here and walk up to the edge to see the crater-lake within. Read More >>>



Indonesia – Java | Travel 2004 | Travel Story | Volcano


Bukittingi (and around)(Sumatra)

Bukittinggi with its famous white bell tower is one of Sumatra's most important tourist hotspots. Not only because of the city itself but also the beautiful surroundings with unique architecture and nature. Read more >>>



Indonesia | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | City and around

Bukit Lawang (Gunung Leuser NP)(Sumatra)

Bukit Lawang’ is the springboard place wherefrom you can visit easily the Gunung Leuser National Park. Here you can for example see the endangered Orangutan from up close in his natural environment and hike in the jungle of Sumatra. Read More >>>



Indonesia – Sumatra | Travel 2004 | Travel Story | National Park


Gili Trawangan and Mataram (Lombok)

On the northwest coast of Lombok there are some islands known as the Gili Islands. They are popular diving and snorkeling destinations because they are surrounded by coral reefs with a wide variety of underwater animals such as sharks and turtles. Read more >>>



Indonesia | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | Islands (and City)


IJen plateau

Surrealistic – I think that’s the right word to use when you see and experience this. Hike in the early morning the 3 km to the edge of this crater where you can take a look at the little lake surrounded with sulfur fumes and talk to the guys to walk around with baskets. Read More >>>



Indonesia – Java | Travel 2004 | Travel Story | National Park


Jakarta (Java)

Jakarta is the capital and also the largest and most chaotic city in the country. This was once the Dutch colonial capital of the Dutch East Indies and you can still see this in countless beautiful old buildings in the Kota district. Read more >>>



Indonesia | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | City


Kelimutu (Flores)

This 1600 meter high volcano lies on the island of Flores in Indonesia and has got a remarkable site. It’s got three little lakes who differ every time from color. Because of the minerals they change from black to blue and then to green and red. Read More >>>



Indonesia – Flores | Travel 2004 | Travel Story | Lake


Kuta and Ubud (Bali)

Bali is by far the biggest tourist attraction in Indonesia. The Hindu island is home to a wealth of natural beauty such as wide sandy beaches, jungle with waving palm trees and nicely landscaped terrace rice fields and interesting temples. Read more >>>



Indonesia | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | Island


Labuanbajo en  Rinca (Flores)

Labuanbajo is actually not that special. It can, however, serve as a basis for, among other things, a visit to the volcanic islands of Rinca and Komodo that have been declared a national park as the protected (giant) Komodo-dragon occurs here. Read more >>>



Indonesia | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | Sight


Meru Betiri National Park (Sukamade)(Java)

The National Park of Meru Betiri is situated in the far corner of southeast Java. Although it’s hard to get here it’s worth seeing it; in the park still live tigers and leopards but for sure you can encounter the giant turtle and help out with the eggs. Read More >>>



Indonesia – Java | Travel 2004 | Travel Story | National Park


Tana Toraja (Rantepao)(Sulawesi)

The Tana Toraja region is located in central Sulawesi and is known for its traditional population, architecture and culture (dance, language, food and drinks This unique region of Indonesia is surrounded by beautiful nature with lots of jungle, forests, mountains and rivers. Read more >>>



Indonesia | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | Region


Toba lake (Tuk tuk)(Sumatra)

Many foreign backpackers seek out the peace and coolness of the peninsula Samosir in the Toba Lake on Sumatra. Traditional residents, beautiful and unique architecture and a wonderful relaxed atmosphere in an impressive picture. Read more >>>



Indonesia | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | Lake


Yoghakarta, Borobodur and Prambanan (Java)

Yoghakarta is Java's most important tourist attraction with its Kraton and the old colonial fortress Vredenburg. The city can also serve as a perfect base for visiting the most important archaeological finds in Indonesia; the beautiful Borobodur and Prambanan. Read more >>



Indonesia | Travel 2004 | Places of Interest | City and Sights