Gili Trawangan and Mataram (Lombok)

Places of Interest - Indonesia



Lombok is an Indonesian island that belongs to the Lesser Sunda Islands. It is located in the Indian Ocean to the east of Bali and to the west of Sumbawa. The capital is Mataram. Lombok is somewhat smaller than Bali, is less touristy and the population there is less prosperous. The island consists of rugged wooded mountains. Around the whole island a road full of hairpin bends, which is still laid out in Dutch times.


The interior is rugged and undeveloped, while rice, soya beans, coffee, tobacco, cotton, cinnamon and vanilla plantations; those are cultivated on the flat and fertile parts of the coastal region. The third highest volcano in Indonesia, the Gunung Rinjani, is located at Lombok and is 3726 meters high. The main language on Lombok is Sasak. In the capital Mataram and the surrounding coastal area people speak Balinese. On the northwest coast of Lombok there are some islands known as the Gili Islands.


They are popular diving and snorkelling destinations because they are surrounded by coral reefs with a wide variety of underwater animals such as sharks and turtles.



Mataram is the capital of the province of West Nusa Tenggara and therefore also Lombok. The city has about 360,000 inhabitants, is located on the west side of the island and is the commercial heart of the island.


Actually, the city is a succession of four separate cities; the port (Ampenan), the administrative center (Mataram), the business center (Cakranegara" and the Bertais district where the bus terminal is located. You can take, as a tourist, a look for example at the Pura Meru temple which is the largest on Lombok.


Built in 1720 by the then Balinese monarchs it had to serve for unification for all small islands. Another building that was completed during the Balinese administration is the so-called Mayura water palace. This was built in 1744 and was part of the Balinese Royal Court. Finally, it is worthwhile to visit the museum Negeri Nusa Tenggara Barat which, among other things, exhibits the history of Lombok.

Gili Islands:

The tropical island group "Gili's consists of the little islands Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan. The term Gili in Sasak means "small island". Gili Trawangan is the largest island (2 by 1.5 km) and also contains the most entertainment and tourist facilities. It is sometimes called the "party" island. There is no motorized traffic on the islands. The islands can be reached by fast boat from Bangsal, Singigi and even Bali.


These bounty islands are mainly populated by Sasak, fishermen of nearby Lombok who live off tourism and fishing. All islands are known for their watersports and diving opportunities. Because of a constant water temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, many species of fish - including sharks - can be found. Due to dynamite fishing, the existing coral around Lombok was destroyed a few years ago.


The islets are also known for their white golden sand beaches, waving palmtrees and relaxed atmosphere. On Trawangan it is possible to take a walk to the central hill to view the old Japanese guns from the Second World War and to enjoy the view.


Lombok was part of the Balinese empire for centuries. Much of the time for the 17th century is kinda unknown. We do know that the west of the island of Lombok was under direct control of the Balinese while the East was much autonomous; there were also different revolts.


Governor General Jelheer Carel van der Wijck wrote to Colonies Jacob Bergsma on 22 May 1894 that the Dutch East Indies government was committed to improving the fate of the inhabitants of Lombok. They would sigh under a reign of terror from the originally Balinese royal house of Mataram-Cakranegara and had requested intervention. Of course other motives also played a role such as securing Dutch trade interests.


At the expense of thousands of deaths and injuries, the principality was forced to its knees in December 1895. The conquest by the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army in 1894 and the associated bloodbaths is called the Pacification of Lombok. The Dutch could be identified by a government as a divide- and conquer strategy keeping half a million people under control with no more than 250 policeman. While the taxes imposed by the Dutch were raised annually, sometimes there were small uprisings, altough they are still seen as the liberators of Lombok against the cruel Balinese regime.


After independence in 1949, Lombok was governed for years by the Balinese and Sawak aristocracy. In the years of the failed coup in 1965, thousands of communists and ethnic Chinese were killed.

tips & advice (2004)

The airport of Mataram is the International Airport "Selaparang" located in central Lombok. This is slightly northwest of

the center. The ferry sails twice a day between Padangbai and Lembar. There is also a hydrofoil (Benoa - Lembar) sailing twice a day. Ferries to Sumbawa leave from Labuhan three times a day. Buses and bemos connect the most important centers at Lombok itself.


In Mataram (and Lombok) the "Mandalika" terminal is the most important transport hub. It is located east of the center of the city.


Mataram - Sengigi - Gili Trawangan (GT): there will be a bemo at 07:30 arriving at 08:00 and drives between Mataram and Sengigi. From there, the ferry leaves at 09:00 to GT and arrives an hour later.


GT - Mataram - Kuta (Denpasar) (BALI): Back I had a ferry that brought me to Bengsal in 45 minutes from GT. Two hours of bussing from there via Mataram to Lembar (09:00 - 11:00) and then on the ferry from 13:00 to 16:00 to Padangbar in Bali. Finally, there are four more buses to Kuta (16:00 - 20:00).

You can best stay in Mataram in the district "Cakranegara" where most budgethostels are next to the fact that it is centrally located. 


  • Name: Cidomo hostel

Address: Gili Trawangan



If you walk west along the coast along the sandy path you will see a hostel with small bungalows on your right. Small but reasonably clean, something from the center (so a lot quieter) and a lot cheaper. There is a small wooden veranda for each cottage.


see also: