Upon arrival in Jaisalmer you have to pay a small fee for tourist tax (20Rs). Take a good look at who you pay because there are many people who try to receive this amount from unsuspecting tourists. Partly this money is used for the major problems that Jaisalmer has to deal with.
Because of poor sewage, overcrowding (from local people as tourists) and the increasing monsoon rains, the castle disappears further and further into the hill. The fort is high on the global list of sites that are under threat.
Camel safari to Sam Dunes (Thar desert):
One of the most beautiful tours in India is a camel safari to the Thar desert where mostly the sand dunes of Sam are visited.
Unfortunately, the competition for these tours is killing, which means that you have to pay close attention to who you go with, what you get for this money and what to look out for.
Facts (2004):
Don’t forget:
Touted safari organizations:
Albanië * België * Bosnië-Herzegovina * Bulgarije * Denemarken * Duitsland * Engeland * Estland * Finland * Frankrijk * Griekenland * Hongarije * (Noord) Ierland * Italië * Kosovo * Kroatië * Letland * Litouwen * Luxemburg * Macedonië * Malta * Montenegro * NEDERLAND * Oekraïne * Oostenrijk * Polen * Portugal * Roemenië * Rusland * Schotland * Servië * Slovenië * Slowakije * Spanje * Tsjechië * Turkije * Zweden
Chili * Costa Rica * Cuba * Guatemala * Mexico * Nicaragua * Panama * Verenigde Staten
Argentinië * Bolivia * Brazilië * Colombia * Ecuador * Peru
Botswana * Burkina Faso * Egypte * Ethiopië * Ghana * Kenia * Mali * Marokko * Namibië * Oeganda * Senegal * Tanzania * Tunesië * Zuid-Afrika
Iran * Israël * Jordanië * V.A.E.
Armenië * Cambodja * China * Filipijnen * Georgië * India * Indonesië * Japan * Kirgizië * Laos * Maleisië * Mongolië * Myanmar * Nepal * Oezbekistan * Singapore * Sri Lanka * Thailand * Vietnam
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