Sam Dunes (Jaisalmer)

Tours - India


Upon arrival in Jaisalmer you have to pay a small fee for tourist tax (20Rs). Take a good look at who you pay because there are many people who try to receive this amount from unsuspecting tourists. Partly this money is used for the major problems that Jaisalmer has to deal with.


Because of poor sewage, overcrowding (from local people as tourists) and the increasing monsoon rains, the castle disappears further and further into the hill. The fort is high on the global list of sites that are under threat.


Camel safari to Sam Dunes (Thar desert):

One of the most beautiful tours in India is a camel safari to the Thar desert where mostly the sand dunes of Sam are visited.


Unfortunately, the competition for these tours is killing, which means that you have to pay close attention to who you go with, what you get for this money and what to look out for.

Facts (2004):

  • Best period (for the heat) is between October and February;
  • Price is about 1500 Rs for 2 days and one night all inclusive ("non touristic"); 
  • The travel organizations and hotels do not have their own camels - they are therefore an intermediate station that also needs to be paid;
  • There are snakes in the area so keep this in mind (for example wear thick socks and shoes);
  • Do not expect a Sahara desert with sand dunes until the eye reaches out - there are many rocks, stones, dust, small villages and some bushes;
  • In the summer between 12:00 and 15:00 can not be driven because of the heat - there is a siesta kept under a tree;
  • You can still sit "nice" but after a few hours of camel riding, you hurt your ass and thighs if you’re not used to it; 
  • The camel riders expect a present or a tip at the end of the ride.


  • Many organizations say that they go three days, but what is meant is that after breakfast you "come back" on the third day. Most safaris are two days; 
  • Often all sorts of things are said and offered to make the trip as exclusive as possible (to increase the price); write it down and ask for a signature below it. Many of these “expensive” tours are exactly the same as the "cheap" version; 
  • You can now go for a "non touristic" tour - it takes you 30 km away so you miss the "big" tourist sites and in this way few other tour groups come across.

content of the tour:

  1. Amar Sagar (a garden with a dried-up spring and a Jain temple)
  2. Lodhruva (a ruin); 
  3. Mool Sagar (an oasis with a Shiva temple); 
  4. Bada Bagh (an oasis with an old dam); 
  5. Sam dunes. 


  • Transport (partly jeeps and camels); 
  • Guide (English speaking); 
  • Blanket (for overnight); 
  • Breakfast 2x (porridge, tea and toast), lunch and dinner (dal bhat, rice and chapati). 

Don’t forget:

  • Headgear, sunglasses and sun lotion;
  • Sarong or scarf or something similar for the wind (face);
  • Long sleeves and long pants;
  • Socks and sandals;
  • Water (extra);
  • Toilet paper;
  • Money (cash) for entrance fees sites; 
  • Possibly a sleeping bag (it can get cold at night).


 Touted safari organizations:

  • Ganesh Travels, Sahara Travels, Satyam Tours and Thar Safari.

other tips & advice:

  • Shop around (people who have already been, for example) before you book a tour to the Sam dunes - make sure you know how your tour looks like and how much you pay for, etc. The quality of the tours seems to vary greatly;
  • Ask yourself what your "group" looks like - it is so nice to travel with someone who speaks your language; in addition, it is less fun to go "alone"; 
  • Inspect the goods and camel before you board and register if this is not correct.


see also: