
Travel Stories - India



Early in the morning I left Allepey. In Ernakulum I took the bus to my final destination today, Munnar. Sitting in the bus I do not understand; there is enough space in the bus and if someone is standing along the road that sticks out his hand he drives one time while another time is stopped. We drive into the mountains and you feel the air become thinner.


Especially the last hour in the bus towards Munnar is beautiful; mountains with lots of greenery, rivers and small villages. And then suddenly from scratch the beginning of the tea plantations through which we drive straight through a small dirt road. It even seems to be one of the highest tea plantations in the world. It looks like a jigsaw puzzle from a distance; there is no tree to be seen and it seems so unrealistic.

The show

Yesterday I met a Spanish girl at her hostel and today we meet again because we decided to go together on a walk. I have to get out of bed early and walk a lot because it is on the other side of the village. We met and start our walk. Walking through the forest, the vapor comes out of my mouth because of the cold and on the fields beyond is a thick layer of fog.


I have a jacket on but the Indians make a whole show of the cold with hats, thick winter coats and gloves. When I arrive at the football field there are dozens of coaches but the reason is completely unknown to me. In our travel guide we have found a walking route and we want to try to follow it. First a bit along the road back to Ernakulam and then left over an iron hanging bridge into the mountains.


Nearby is a national park and that quickly becomes clear by the large number of beautiful birds that flutter around here, the colored flowers and lots of butterflies. We climb up the hill and at a small wooden stand on the mountain we order a tea and enjoy the view. It is still a bit hazy, but we easily distinguish big tea plantations, tea factories and the associated workers' huts with the human eye. Far away forests and mountains in the distance.


Tata tea plantation

Instead of walking up to the waterfall we arrive at a beautifully situated guest house on a mountain with an amazing view. It is a large bungalow surrounded by brightly colored flowers that are kept constantly "wet" by automatic sprinklers. We return to an asphalt path and walk past large resorts in blue-white paint.


We are ready for some adventure and take a small forest path which leads to a cinnamon plantation, which besides the bushes is also full of large boulders and there are countless trees. Unfortunately, the path nevertheless returns to the asphalt road and leads to a large Tata tea plantation. Just as we want to walk in the plantation, a guard comes to us and asks us to leave. Probably because he is afraid that we will destroy the plantation and / or keep the workers from their work. 


Further on, the gate is open from the same plantation and we make a second attempt. The path goes back to the manager who is already waiting for us with his stick in his hand as if he is going to punish us. He tells us that the big boss is driving laps with his big car (he points to a gray big box that is standing still in the mountains) and that he can not let us down under any circumstances.


Because we do not want to walk back the same route, we walk back over the road hoping for a lift. An auto rickshaw comes by and this brings us back to the village where we have lunch together with her mother.


tips & advice (2009)

The bus station, called KSRTC, is located in the south of the town of Munnar at 2 km from the center (bridge).


Munnar - Kumily: this bus leaves from the center on the other side of the bridge, near the post office in Munnar. There would be a few buses a day to Kumily; my bus would arrive at 9 o'clock (only arrived at 12:00); The bus takes 5 hours and costs Rs 68.

  • Name: Hostel Gurlunkara

Price: 300 R (single)



This hostel is on the other side of the river Munna in Munnar and it is a lot quieter here. It is just outside the town and you have to go through the forest first and then it is situated just down the road. There are a number of local people living around with wooden huts while the hostel is actually more of a little house, pink coloured, in the middle of the complex with an iron fence around it.


There are two neat rooms with a kind of hallway. There is a bucket shower and a toilet - breakfast is exclusive.


see also: