
Ghana has a variety of attractions on all levels, in all areas. Here below you see a list of cities, sites, nature parks, etc. of the sights I visited while travelling in the country. These are divided into an introduction, highlights, history and other (general) information such as transportation, accommodation options and sometimes information about tours you can take.



Accra is the capital, largest city and the commercial, transport and political heart of Ghana. It is a city of extremes; from rich to extreme poor. Highlights is the James Town light tower and the Colonial buildings. Read more >>>



Ghana | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | City



Axim was once the busiest trading post on the West African coast. Nowadays tourists come to this sleepy town with it’s beautiful natural bay with it’s wide clean sandy beaches which are full of swaying palm trees. Read more >>>



Ghana | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | Beach


Cape Coast

The colonial English ex-capital of Ghana called Cape Coast has a variety of old colonial buildings and has a notorious former slave fort within their city limits. In the nearby town Elmina you can take a look at Holland's largest slave fort but you can also visit the national park Kakum. Read more >>>



Ghana | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | City



Kumasi is the second city of Ghana and was once the capital of the kingdom Ashanti. You can read about the history of this important tribe in the national cultural center but also a visit to the big chaotic Kejetia market in the center of the city is a must. Read more >>>



Ghana | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | City


Mole national park

Mole NP is the largest park in Ghana and offers the best chance to spot large wild animals in Ghana and perhaps West Africa. In the nearby village of Larabanga where, besides a magical stone, you can also visit a beautiful clay sticks mosque. Read more >>>



Ghana | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | National Park