Cape Coast (Elmina) and Kakum NP

Places of Interest - Ghana



The city of Cape Coast lies on the Gulf of Guinea and was founded in the 15th century; the Ghanaian name is Oguaa what means literatlly market. The current used English name of the city is a corruption of the original Portuguese name Cabo Corso (Short Cape). It was the English colonial capital of the country for years until the administration left to Accra in 1876. The majority of the population consists of members of the Fante tribe, whose dialect of the same name is also spoken in the city.


It is a lively student city comparable to other cities on the coast with some very interesting sights. Firstly there is the infamous slave fort Cape Coast castle which is located in the center of the city. The city also has many colonial buildings that are now somewhat dilapidated and peeled off, but perhaps that gives you that authentic and nostalgic atmosphere. In the nearby town Elmina you can take a look at Holland's largest slave fort but you can also visit the beautiful national park Kakum which lies to the north of the city.


Cape coast castle / fort:

The Portuguese Crispe bought a piece of land in 1650 on the Cabo Çorco (the later Cape Coast or Cape Kors), with the intention of building a fort there. Yet it was Hendrik Carloff (an ex-official of the Dutch West Indian Company) who ordered the construction of a fort in the same year, commissioned by the Swedish Africa Company.


The Swedes conquered it and expanded it when the British conquered the fort in 1664. The British would build it as their colonial base and it got the infamous mark that it transported the most slaves to the New World.


The fort is one of the forts that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage and is certainly worth it if you are interested in history. There is a museum in one of the wings of the pearly white building and if desired there are guides who can show you around. Because the fort is built on the sea-side you have a beautiful view of the activities in the harbor that was built in the bay.


Kakum NP:

Kakum National Park is one of the most important parks in Ghana not far from the city Cape Coast. It is located north of the city Cape Coast and was declared a protected reserve in 1960. Known is the canopy walk, the suspension bridge that is 330 meters long and to my knowledge the longest worldwide where you walk about 40 meters above the tropical rainforest.


The park is inhabited by many special animals; meerkats, elephants, buffalo, civet cats and many bird- and butterfly species. You can go for a walk on the suspension bridge, take a jungle trip with a guide and/or sleep in a tree house. If you wish, it is possible to take a night walk through the jungle too.


There is a modern but in natural style built reception-building including souvenir-shops and restaurant. Nearby is the road where among public transport runs to Cape Coast. Also on that road is the Monkey Forest - a small rehabilitation house for sick and disabled “problem” animals. I would definitely recommend a visit to the Dutch couple - even if it were to sponsor the charity.

Elmina castle / fortress:

Elmina is a town of 35,000 inhabitants and known for its Dutch slave fort. In 1482 the Portuguese built here the fort São Jorge da Mina, the first European settlement in West Africa. Initially, the fort was intended to protect (gold) mining and serve as a warehouse, hence the Mina in the name.


Since 1596, the Dutch have attempted to conquer the fort, but without success. In 1637, the fort, which after all had also received an important role in the slave trade. The centuries after, the fort would form the center of the slave trade of the Dutch West Indian Company (WIC). The fort would remain in Dutch hands until 1871 and was eventually sold to England with many other Dutch possessions in West-Africa.


The forts had actually lost their function and together they formed an enormous cost because of the continuous maintenance that had to be carried out and the salary costs of the civil servants. who stayed there. The sale of Dutch-African possessions to England was regulated in the Treaty of Sumatra. You can now visit it as a museum.

ENTRANCE: 9 Cedi (and 2 Cedi if you want to take pictures)


tips & advice (2012)

Behind the Kotokuraba market in Cape Coast there are several places (parking places) where “tro tro's” (mini-busses) are located. Ask here which bus or spot you should take/wait for your destination.


Cape Coast - Kakum NP: you should take a “tro tro” of the (bus)station mentioned above. The park is located about 30 km north of Cape Coast.


Cape Coast - Elmina: you can take a “tro tro” from the station but you can also board somewhere along the way. The minivan runs right through the city (also past the hostel below) and then drives along the coast - it is about 10 km.

The name hacienda plaza says it already a bit; it looks like a South American cantina with swing doors and a large open space in a central location in the middle of the city. Unfortunately, the pavement on the road is pretty tight and you should not bother your airways but nevertheless a fantastic place to drink a beer and observe the Ghanaian life up

close. Located near the "crab" symbol.


At Baobab what a very trendy tourist tent that also serves as a hostel you can relax and order a delicious fresh "juice". They also have a menu with Western dishes. It is near the fort.


  • Name: Hotel Sammo

Address: Jukwa Road

Price: 18 C (including shower and toilet)

Phone nr. : 33242



It is overall a bit of a dilapidated building with different types of rooms. There is a kind of terrace garden where you can hang on some old chairs and couches. The rooms have shower and toilet inside and it is reasonably clean. In my case there were a lot of mosquitoes despite the mosquito screens in front of the door and windows. Unfortunately there is no mosquito net.


One of the highlights is the roof restaurant that sells fine and cheap food. You have to take the time because it really does not go fast. There is a breeze here and the view is beautiful. The hostel is located in the east of the city and it is a firm but fun walk to the center of the city. The tro-tro to Elmina stopps almost at the frontdoor.


see also: