St.Nazaire and Batz-sur-Mer

Places of Interest - France



The little town Batz sur Mer not far from the port city St. Nazaire is best known for its salt production. It is a typical Atlantic village with little houses with beautifully colored doors and frames, a church ruin and a number of museums. The most interesting is the German bunker museum Le Grand Blockhaus, one of the largest bunkers ever built by the Nazi’s in the Second World War.  


Saint Nazaire, on the other hand, is the most important port city on the Atlantic Ocean and has a large shipbuilding and aviation-industry as its "key" industries. During the Second World War, the city was an important target for allied attacks (from the air as well as overland) because of the presence of the large part of the notorious German submarines were moored in underground bunkers here. One of the best known was the Uboot "U96" who plays the leading role in the war-movie "Das Boot".


At the moment one of the bunkers is turned into a museum while the other is used for many other purposes and can be freely visited.


Batz sur Mer (Le Grand Blockhaus):

In September 1941 the inhabitants of the small village of Batz-sur-Mer see two German heavy 240 mm artillery guns arriving at the train station. The guns were captured during WWI of France. They were placed on the track and would be followed by 5 trucks with equipment and ammunition.


After the guns arrive, a first site is built next to the track, about 500 meters from the sea. The hill of La Dilane, about 19 meters above sea level, was chosen by the Nazis to build a fire and lookout post on the Atlantic Ocean.


This bunker had to function as the eyes of the guns placed on the track and had room for 21 persons with an officer. Because the building had to stand out as little as possible, the front was painted as if it was a normal hotel. The bunker, the only one of its kind in France, can now be visited as a museum.

Saint Nazaire (port):

During WWII, the port of the city Saint Nazaire became the home of the 7th flotilla (fleet) of submarines of the German Kriegsmarine (navy). A German submarine bunker was built for 20 U-boats and is about 300 meters wide and 125 meters deep. This "sample" of a bunker can be visited free of charge and is currently used for very different purposes.


The scars of the war are still present everywhere as some pieces of iron are just laying there. You can imagine how it was here when the British commando’s tried to take the harbor in the war. This colossus gives you a strange feeling with its puddles, drops of water from the ceiling and it’s damped environment. All in all, the visit gives a sense of reality because it is all so authentic.


Although the fisherman gives you a completely different feeling at the end of the bunker. Opposite this "monster" lies another smaller submarine bunker that is currently being used as a museum. Here you can climb the roof for a great panorama over the basin, the large U-boat bunker and there are two FLAK positions and an armored dome.


tips & advice (2013)

Saint Nazaire - Batz sur Mer: you have two options - whether you go by train or by bus.

  • Name: Le Grand Blockhaus

Address: Cote Sauvage

Price: 7 euros

Time: 10:00

Phone nr. : 02-40-23-88-29




Take a look at one of the largest bunkers ever built - here's your chance - a visit to a command post from the Atlantic Wall built during WWII by the Nazis. Here were 21 soldiers and an officer at present to serve as eyes and ears for the two guns that were lined up near the track. It consists of five floors and has a dormitory, radio command post, armory and a machine room.


By means of some models and puppets you will learn about the command attack on the port in Saint Nazaire, about the net of the Nazis in the same city and about the armed resistance from the region. There is a video room and many photos and maps of that time. Well worth it.


  • Wild camping spot: "The inhabited forest"



If you walk in the direction of the east from the main square in Batz sur Mer, there is suddenly a big bend in the road. A small forest path takes you into a sort of dune area. You follow the path along the old salt-mill (without wings) and continue until there is a very narrow path to the left to a beautiful forest. Climb over the stone wall and you will find an oasis of peace and shade – like an umbrella.


Everywhere is good to camp here, although there is a disadvantage - it is inhabited by someone who has made a small tree house out of wood. Sometimes parties are given duet o the number of empty (beer) bottles. There are chairs and benches and you can not hide anywhere because the forest is too small for that. The ground is perfect for camping though there are no bushes in the forest itself.


The forest itself is surrounded by shrubs and you can hardly be seen from the outside. We spoke to a Frenchman who was able to take a pulse with his dogs in the evening; he said the whole world is camping here, as long as you take your rubbish with you.


see also: