
Places of Interest - France



Everyone knows Cannes - is not because of  the gigantic film festival held annually in May than it must be the famous “allure” that circles around the city. The Cote d'Azur where the city is located gives you a radiant feeling of "the rich and the famous" and the sandy beaches are a lot better than the pebble beach of the adjacent Nice. There is a lovely boulevard filled with "expensive" hotels, restaurants and cafes.


What many people do not know is that the city has two lovely islands in his vicinity where you can retreat of the glitter and glamor of Cannes city. On Ile Sainte Marguerite (to be reached by ferry) you can visit the fort, along with some bunkers from WWII, which once hosted one of the most interesting prisoners in history; "The man in the iron mask". You can visit his cell and enjoy the impressive bay of the city of Cannes. Come early because it can get very busy with day trippers.


Center and the boulevard:

You think maybe that the city of Cannes may have a sense of a cosmopolitan city on the Cote d'Azur, but this is not so bad. It is clear and has a number of shopping streets but also narrow south-European alleys. The boulevard is something you expect - waving palm trees and very large expensive yachts.


You can also find the bunker here - as the film festival building is called by locals. You can shoot a photo on the red carpet here all year round and enjoy the expensive hotels and try to catch a glimpse of a famous actor or actress. Behind the wide boulevard where there are nice benches under palm trees where you can watch people is the old city of Cannes where you just think of the pompous character that the city has built up over the years.

Ile Sainte Marguerite:

The island, which is no bigger than 3 by 1.5 km, became important as it was on the sea route between Italy, Provence and Spain and because it was difficult to anchor in the bay of Cannes.


A fort was built on the island in the first part of the 17th century under Richelieu and was occupied two years during the 30year war, by Spanish troops that improved the defense of the fort.


Before that the island was occupied by monks (5th century BC until 15th century AD). The French recaptured the island and the military function (including prison) would continue until the end of the 19th century. Italian troops occupied the island in 1942, followed by the Nazis who would build two bunkers. After WWII it lost its military value and since 1993 it has been a national monument. 


Other attractions:

  • The Ile de Honorace (the island). 


tips & advice (2013)

The bus station of Cannes is on the boulevard and the train station is a bit behind (within walking distance). Bus 1  would drive to the large bus station further inland.


Mandelieu de Napoule - Cannes: there is a bus (number 20) for 1.50 euros all the way from one side of the city to the heart of Cannes.The journey takes about 45 minutes.


Cannes - Ile de Margherite: there are several boat companies but the price is the same. A return ticket costs 12 euros and takes about 15 minutes.


Cannes - Nice: here you can choose between the train (half hour, 6.50 euro) or for the bus (2.25 hours, 1.50 euro) - bus number 200 (it's a very annyoing ride with too much traffic but the price is good).

  • Name: Fort Royal (museum of the Sea)

Address: "Ile Sainte Marguerite"

Price: 6 euros

Time: from 10: 00/10: 30 - 04: 45/05: 45



The museum has a bit of everything; the most important thing is that here is the cell of the man in the iron mask who served here 11 years of his life in the time of Louis XIV. Other cells were filled with Protestant pastors who disagreed about the disappearance of Reformed churches, Arabs from Algeria who oppose the colonization of their country by France.


The painter Jean la Gac requested a transfer to give the people who were trapped here a face by applying murals (still present). In the storehouse of water, built by the Romans, you can see a model how this worked. Finally, archaeological finds have been exhibited of, for example, a Roman shipwreck from the first year BC and a Saracen ship from 10 BC. The museum is only part of the fort "Royal" which can be visited for this price.


You can take a look at the stock barns (explosives, food, drinks etc.), the defensive stronghold, the canals, the barracks, the terrace of Bazaine (from where he escaped), the state prison, the bastion and the royal gate.


Of course it is nice to have a drink or a bite  to eat on the Cannes boulevard. But be warned - the prices are sometimes very high. Pay attention to signboards; we have eaten a "crepe" for 5.50 euros but were stupid enough to order a glass of drink with it for 3.60 euros.

  • Wild camping spot: "Hill la Napoule"



In the town Mandelieu la Napoule on the hill with the same name (next to the cemetery) is a place where you can spend the night for free in the Cote d'Azur. It is far from ideal with lots of rocks, tickle bushes and uneven ground but big enough and "safe" enough to stay in this expensive affair. Bus 20 will drive you in about 45 minutes for 1.50 euros to the heart of "Cannes" where you can spend time with the "rich & famous".


It is a place above the road where many cars, motorbikes, cyclists and walkers pass by but no-one comes up the steep hill where you can dive between the green. The best way to get there is via the forest path which begins at the cemetery to climb up the hill in front of the campsite l'Argentire - next to a piece of rock. Above that, you will find two "OK" places to sleep next to the cork tree.

Do not expect a jet set, royalty and other famous VIPs in Cannes - on the contrary - the chance that you meet a bum, drunkard or beggar is much bigger. Also the number of Ferrari's, Lambourghinis and even expensive Mercedes, Audi's and BMW's is kept to a minimum.


What you certainly will see and experience are the "wanna-be's" - people who want to belong to the scene - people who find themselves very important and spend hours on the red carpet, get dressed and want to have pictures of themselves. Also on the boulevard and on the beach you see a lot of "plastic" (fake) people parading around.


see also: