Omo Valley (Jinka)

Places of Interest - Ethiopia



The Omo valley is the area around the river Omo that divides the region in two. On the west side is the national park Omo and on the other side (east) the park is called Mago. Both are inhabited by various Ethiopian tribes such as the Mursi, Hamar and the Ari who still live in traditional villages throughout the region. Their lifestyles have remained unchanged in hundreds of years, although tourism has indeed changed them a bit.


The landscape of the Omo valley is very diverse: vast savannas with mountains on the horizon, beautiful views, the drier Semi desert, acacia bushes and hills on the banks of the Omo river. And then the Omo river itself with its deep canyons and rapids, dense vegetation on the banks where monkeys, colorful birds, crocodiles and hippos live. Even though the number of animals is decreasing very quickly - through hunting and the disappearance of the natural habitat you can spot animals like the waterbuck, monkeys, zebra and others if you're Lucky.


A local market

Markets are held in various villages and towns in the Omo valley. These often open a little later than what we are used to and needs a good kick-off before they really start. People come from far and wide to praise and buy their goods - often for several days.


Because the markets are in different parts of the area, different members of tribes often come here - often (partly) in traditional clothing. Clothes, jewelery and everyday goods are offered at creaky stables, but more often on the ground.


It is one of the highlights of your visit to Ethiopia but be aware of taking pictures of tribe-members without their knowledge and/or approval. 

Mursi village

The Mursi are among the most famous tribes in the “Omo” valley area. They call themselves Mun. Like the Suri dishes, the women wear as a decoration through the lower lip.


They also regularly decorate their faces with paint. In addition, they are also known for the deliberate application of scars to decorate themselves if they have defeated an enemy. At present there are fewer than 10,000 Mursi, their habitat is mainly between the Omo River and the Mago River. 


The Mursi principaly reside in the Debub Omo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region, close to the border with South Sudan. Surrounded by mountains between the Omo River and its tributary the Mago, the home of the Mursi is one of the most isolated regions of the country. Their neighbors include the Aari, the Banna, the Bodi, the Karo, the Kwegu, the Nyangatom and the Suri. They are grouped together with the Me'en and Suri by the Ethiopian government under the name Surma.


The African Parks Foundation and government park officials are accused of coercing Mursi into giving up their land within the boundaries of the Omo National Park without compensation. The documents are being used to legalize the boundaries of the park, which African Parks has taken over. A group called "Native Solutions to Conservation Refugees" says that the documents will make the Mursi 'illegal squatters' on their own land and that a similar fate is befalling the Suri, Dizi, Me'en, and Nyangatom, who also live within the park. After the African Parks Foundation took over Omo National Park, the Mursi feared that they would eventually be evicted from their land like the Guji-Oromo in Nechasar National Park.


The Mursi have declared their territory a community conservation area as of July, 2008 and have begun a community tourism project.


tips & advice (2012)

In the middle of the town there is a large piece of open land surrounded by a high iron gate - this is the bus station where a bus stands a few times a day under the trees. However, there is usually someone around who can help you with bus schedules (and perhaps prices) because nothing is on paper written down.


Arba Minch (airport) - Jinka: the ride takes about 8 hours, 99 Birr, leaves at 05:00 in the morning.


Jinka - Key Afar: Birr 13, 1.5 hours - these (mini) vans are arranged regularly.


TIP: keep in mind (also) that buses do not always go; there may be problems with the technical condition of the bus (this is broken) or it has a delay.

Central bar & restaurant: lamb goulash (I do not know where they got the goulash from but it is very tasty) - this was, when I was there, actually the only real restaurant where you could eat. They have an English menu and several dishes! At the Toisi hotel you can order a delicious avocado juice for 10 Birr.


ARBA MINCH: Flamingos (delicious juices) and at the Arba Minch Tourist Hotel you can drink in an abundant ambiance and eat. For example, try the "Asi kutilet" (fish cutlet).


  • Name: Hotel Orit (Jinka)

Price: 200 birr (including shower and toilet)

Phone nr. : 0467 750045



Located in the main street, this hotel attracts a lot of tour-groups and other Western tourists. The rooms are like a motel next to each other in an open large courtyard (garden) with in the middle a building with restaurant (was closed when I was there) and the reception. Usually there is someone present and the rooms are OK. There is a large iron fence around to ensure that your belongings are still there when you come home after a long day. There is also a guard.


TIP: they always ask standard 250 Birr for this room - you have to negotiate a lot to get it down to 200.

Save one Birr notes for photographing people in the south of the country. Also I can recommend not to go immediately to the first offer in terms of going to Mursi villages - walk around, ask around and if they see that you do not immediately take everyprice this will go down systematically. Think of a motorcycle that is much cheaper than the jeep but also more dangerous.



You can negotiate a tour in various ways, especially to the Mursi villages. Keep in mind that you can not go there alone.


* Jeep Tour - $ 190 per day (duration of 7 hours)

* At the back of a motorbike (with a kind of guide) - 700 Birr per day (duration of 7 hours)



  • 100 Birr (entrance park)
  • 100 Birr (entrance fort he motorbike)
  • 100 Birr (entrance village)
  • Tips for (local) people.

TIPS: Make sure that the "Mursi" people know this guide and it is very useful if he speaks the language. 


see also: