
Places of Interest - Ethiopia



Lalibela, once founded as the city Roha was the capital in Ethiopia at the time of the 12th and 13th centuries. King Lalibela, born as the youngest member of the royal family of the Zagwe dynasty, ordered the city to be built. The New Jerusalem, as Lalibela was often called, also contained eleven underground churches carved out of the rocks. It is sometimes also called the eighth wonder of the world.


Local legends report that these churches were built by King Lalibela in direct command of God. He was helped by angels, and did the job in less than 24 years. The king was declared holy by the Ethiopian church. The churches have been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1978.


The rock churches

The carved underground churches, which are only visible when you’re standing next to them on the edge, are divided into three groups, namely the northern (most impressive), western and eastern group. The new Jerusalem was graced with familiar names such as the tomb of Adam and the Jordan river.


You can see the largest monolithic building in the world (Bete Medhane Alem) with the Lalibela cross (which is unfortunately stored away safely), the tomb of King Lalibela, palaces and Bete Merkorios which most probably served as a prison.


The best preserved church is Bete Ghiorghis. In addition to viewing the beautiful and unique churches, it is possible to experience the end of a service and to spend time between the thousands of pilgrims visiting Lalibela.Lalibela must be the most impressive and most popular sight of the country. 


tips & advice (2012)

There is a bus station, about 2 to 3 kilometers outside the city along a road. Buses often continue to the center of Lalibela so you drive past the station - besides the fact that it is situated in a very akward place there is also an uphill walk if you want to go there.


Lalibela - Bahir Dar: it takes 7 hours of bussing to get from Lalibela to Bahir Dar. Costs are 125 Birr, departure around 05:00 (ask the hotel owner) - 1x per day.

  • Name: The rock churches

Price: 350 Birr (or $ 22). 

Content: see above. 


  • Name: Hotel Asheton

Address: Walk back the direction of the bus only on a gravel path which goes down to the right

Price: 200 Birr (incl. Hot shower and toilet)

Phone nr. : 0333 360030



This hotel outside the busy center of the town is a great place. The staff is friendly and the rooms are set around a small green garden. It is therefore somewhat noisy. The rooms are small but clean and you have hot water.


There is a restaurant with a number of dishes (the menu is full but there are only a few dishes available) although this is not the nicest restaurant I can imagine. It is within walking distance of the churches.

Take your time to see the churches - you pay 1x and you can stay up to three days - I would say use that time. Go on different times and take a guide once and only go once by yourself at least. Take a flashlight and sit somewhere to see how everything goes. You will see groups of tourists pass by but also see priests walking and many pilgrims.


Take some baksheesh (small money – change) for small tips to policemen etc. Sometimes they will take you to special places.


see also: