
Ethiopia has a variety of attractions on all levels, in all areas. Here below you see a list of cities, sites, nature parks, etc. of the sights I visited while travelling in the country. These are divided into an introduction, highlights, history and other (general) information such as transportation, accommodation options and sometimes information about tours you can take.


Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, in the heart of the country, is also the commercial, transport and diplomatic hub of Ethiopia. Sights include the large local market and there are a number of admirable museums and monuments. Read more >>>



Ethiopia | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | City



Ancient obelisks (pillars) form the base of a visit to the Axum in the north of Ethiopia. Was this once the capital of the legendary Queen Sheeba? Also in this historical place would be the coffin that Moses delivered from Mount Sinai and where the 10 commandments would be. Read more >>>



Ethiopia | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | Sights


Bahir Dar

Bahir Dar is a lively city with nearby – on an island in the lake Tana the beautiful old monasteries with amazing fresco’s. You can also visit the market in the village Tis isat just outside Bahir Dar and the spectacular blue Nile waterfalls. Read more >>>



Ethiopia | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | Sights



Gondor, sometimes also called the Camelot of Africa, is the ancient capital of the empire with the same name. The Royal Palace can be visited as well as the bath of Fasiladas and the beautiful church of Selassie which is just outside the center. Read more >>>



Ethiopia | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | City



Harar is located in the eastern Muslim part of Ethiopia, which you can immediately see because of the architecture, the customs and the people themselves. Known for its typical architecture, ancient gates, winding narrow streets and indoor house decorations. Read more >>>



Ethiopia | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | City



Lalibela is the absolute highlight of a visit to Ethiopia. The New Jerusalem, as Lalibela was often called, contains eleven church-carved underground churches. It is sometimes also called the eighth wonder of the world because it’s such an unique sight. Read more >>>



Ethiopia | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | Sight


Omo-valley (Jinka)

The Omo valley, situated in the south of Ethiopia, is inhabited by various Ethiopian tribes such as the Mursi and the Ari who still live in traditional villages throughout the region. Their lifestyles have remained unchanged for ages, although tourism is increasing. Read more >>>



Ethiopia | Travel 2012 | Places of Interest | Region


Omo-valley (Konso)

In the Omo valley in the south of Ethiopia you can go for instance to the local market in the city of Konso where you can see members of the Banna and Tsemay wonder around and buy and sell goods. Read more >>>



Ethiopia | Travel 2012 | Travel Story | Region (Valley)


Simien Mountains National Park (Buyit Ras)

Buyit Ras is located in the middle of the beautiful Ethiopian nature park Simien-Mountains and is known for its beautiful views and of course the almost extinct Ethiopian wolf and the vegetarian Gelata baboon. Read more >>>



Ethiopia | Travel 2012 | Travel Story | National Park