Addis Ababa

Places of Interest - Ethiopia



Addis Ababa, in the heart of the country and literally means new flower, has been the capital of Ethiopia since the end of the 19th century and is also the commercial, transport and diplomatic hub of the country. The only real city in the country with about three million inhabitants but probably much more. Addis Ababa is a cosmopolitan city and there are many dozens of ethnic groups who speak an equal number of languages. It is also one of the highest capitals in the world (after La Paz and Quito) which makes it a pleasant city to be in.


With comparisment with the old capitals of the empire Addis was not built for strategic possibilities but because of its beauty and climate. First the queen had a house built (see hotel) and later the entire court would move to the new capital. As a result of a shortage of (fire) wood, the emperor was already building a new capital when he was alerted by a foreigner to a rapidly growing tree species called eucalyptus which solved the problem.


The capital has a large university but also countless sights such as the large market and a number of admirable museums and monuments. You can also watch a traditional dance and live music show. 



Perhaps the largest market in Africa, although the "limits" to this seemingly chaos can not be determined. If you come more often you realize there is after all something of organization since most types of products are sold in the same section.


In this market you can find everything if you're looking for; from klashnikov to chat (Ethiopian weet) and from recycled car tires sold as sandals to living camels. Most stalls are fixed tin boxes but also many sellers have put their goods on the "filthy" stones or dredge. Especially on Saturdays it is very busy and you have to pay attention to your things.


If you succeed you can enjoy this very photogenic environment. 


Yod Abyssinia

Founded in 2003, this is a fantastic traditional restaurant where regularly traditional dances and music are performed on the stage. Yod literally means see this in the gurage - one of the native languages of the country (and the owner).  


Other attractions:

  • The National Museum (see museums), the Ethology Museum, the Yekatit 12 monument and the Holy Trinity Cathedral.


tips & advice (2012)

The large intercity bus station is located in the northwest of the city and is usually referred to as "terra". Ask around if you take a minibus from here to your location. People help you and pay only in the bus when you have seen others pay (and how much).


Addis Ababa - Harrar: by bus ("Selam") - from the main bus and train station ("Gare") in the centre of the city (240 Birr).



  • Addis Ababa ("Bole" airport) – Axum: € 60 (one way)
  • Addis Ababa ("Bole" airport) - Arba Minch: € 41 (single, 3 days per week)


TIP: if you arrive at the airport and you want to go to the centre; walk away from the airport- under the large road viaduct a little further you can take a local (minibus = taxi) instead of an "expensive" tourist taxi. There are direct buses to the district "Piazza"

  • Name: National Museum

Address: King George VI street

Price: Birr 10

Time: 8:30 - 17:00

Transport: on foot



The national museum has a perfect name, but it looks like an "assembled" chaos set up by an amateur if I have to be honest. The carpet is loose, information is missing and it is absolutely filthy. The highlight are the bones of "Lucy", the skeleton found in North Ethiopia in 1974 and of which you can see the "fake" bones (the real ones lie in the vaults of the museum).


The museum provides an overview of various important Ethiopian times such as that of Aksum, Solomon and Gonder. Jewelry, art and objects next to a real wooden throne of emperor Selassie.


KC corner (next to Itegue Taitu Hotel) - perhaps a very touristy and restaurant for "richer" Ethiopian but there is an English menu and for your first days in the country a good learning school (where you can also eat safely) talk to other travelers who have been in Ethiopia for a bit longer.


TIP: Please note (or ask) before you order whether the prices on the menu (or given) include 15% tax and/or 10% service charge - this saves you an annoying meal and / or payment afterwards.

  • Name: Hotel Itegue Taitu Hotel

Address: Piazza district (behind de Gaulle square)

Price: from 162 Birr (you only have a single room and a bed)

Phone nr. : 0111560787




A gigantic hotel in the centre of the Piazza district with about 300 rooms of different prices and possibilities. The staff

speak fluent English, is helpful and is very friendly. There is possibility of internet, telephone and there is an ATM on the premises (if it works). You can also book tours, the bus, arrange laundry and there is an "expensive" jazz café. In the building, what an old royal house has been, is a fine restaurant.


Outside is a large (sun) terrace where you can relax perfectly and can talk with other travelers as well as having breakfast. It is within walking distance of the national museum and the possibilities with public transport are great. There is also a bank and an internet cafe nearby and excellent cafes and restaurants for a coffee, juice or injera (see KC corner at "food and drink".)


Finally, it is nice that the whole site is secured by enough guards - a moment of peace in this very chaotic and sometimes poor neighborhood in the capital.


TIP: there is also a Dutch campsite in the middle of the city (


see also: