Prace and Austerlitz (Slavkov)

Travel Stories - Czech Republic


The strategic hill

I pick up my travel companion at the "Eurolines" bus stop in Brno to leave the town immediately. We decide to do some shopping on the way to the bus stop at "Tesco" since Prace is a small village with probably no supermarket.


It is about half an hour by bus when we get off at a corner in the small village where the decisive battle of the Battle of Austerlitz took place on December 1 in 1805. The battlefield is a lot bigger than the city Slavkov (Austerlitz) and that in that city nothing at all happened on the paperwork. Here in Prace the real action took place.  


From the bus I notice already the large monument on the hill. On the way up the hill we ask some boys, who are busy in their garage, for some water. With the water on top of our bags it’s all getting even more heavy and while it’s only 1,5 km we are relieved to get on top. From here we are able to overlook the entire valley and only now it becomes clear why this hill was so important and so decisive. Yellow rapeseed fields, green lawns and here and there some houses or trees - but at the top of the hill stands behind some shrubs and bushes the big monument, behind it the building what the museum should be and then a piece of forest where we will soon try a find a spot for the night.


The museum is a truly rural regional museum - there is a large terrace and it looks a bit like an old club canteen from the 70s. Unfortunately it is already closed. We take some pictures and the sun alternates the clouds where occasionally a splash of rain falls. The wind also blows properly. Through a gravel path we come behind the museum. 

the prace museum

Yesterday we found a spot in the litte forest and only then we realized we were trying to sleep on the actual battlefield. In the morning it’s light early; the wind blows and some pheasants jumping from branch to branch.


A watery sun appears in the sky and we decide (also because we are quite open with our tents) to pick up our tents and things before we eat something. After our meal we walk the same way back to the monument and the museum where when we arrive a whole school class is ahead of us. Unfortunately the cafe is closed and we decide to go to the chapel first. 


When the two school groups of children continue their tour, a woman comes to us, gives us a stack of paper with English text and presses a button to start the television. The museum consists of four rooms - after we have left the hall we enter the first real room - it is dark and a large screen pops out of the ground. We sit down on a chair (Pete almost falls asleep) and we hear the situation in Europe before the battle. In the rooms next we see uniforms in large shop windows, scale models, stuff found on the battlefield and hear details about the war, see pieces of an old movie etc.


One of the things that strikes us is that the actual battlefield is much larger than we knew and had expected and that the village of "Austerlitz" itself was not a battlefield at all.


The peace conference of Austerlitz

Because public transport is a problem here we hitchhike to the village of Austerlitz. Near the Zamek (castle) we are dropped and we thank the friendly lady for bringing us here. There are only tours in Czech and we get a thick map of stencils with English tekst on it (again) but we are happy to leave our big bags at the reception.


We pay the entrance fee (120 Kr) first. We are with a group of eight people, 5 of whom do not speak Czech. We get to see about 15 rooms and see portraits of the owners and other wall drawings, paintings and 17th century furniture. It is beautiful to see but it is not really spectacular (you are not allowed to take any photos anyway) and there is really only one space that we come to see.


Two large doors open and we see rows of chairs standing against each other with two large statues in two niches. Here the peace conference was held between France on the one hand and Austria and Russia on the other after the battle that Napoleon won. Austria lost a lot of land in the south and would never again become the power it once was (this vacuum was taken by Prussia). Later on in the tour we see the sincere bed where the big little man should have slept. According to insiders, Napoleon always slept on his cot, he would have slept next to the white bed. After the tour (and all the doors and windows behind us are closed) we make a walk through the garden which is a small replica of a Versailles garden. 


Not far from there we find a place to stay for the night. 


tips & advice (2014)

Austerlitz - Olomouc: from the bus station you can take a bus to the city Vyskov (27 Kr). From here public transportation (a bus) will take you to Olomouc.


Austerlitz – Olomouc: vanaf het busstation kun je naar bus nemen naar de stad Vyskov (27 Kr). Hiervandaan gaat openbaar vervoer (een bus) nemen naar Olomouc.

  • Name: Mohyla Miru

Address: Prace Hill (Pracky Kopec)

Price: Dome 25 Kr, Museum 70 Kr, combination of both: 86 Crowns

Time: 09:00 - 18:00 (closed on Monday)



On top of the hill where the decisive battle of the battle of Austerlitz took place between the Austrian and Russian troops on the one hand and the French troops under Napoleon on the other, a museum is built. It has a café and the whole atmosphere is very pleasant.


In front of the door is a huge monument with a dome underneath that you can visit. The museum is subdivided into four large spaces that are by means of showcases with attributes, but especially through audio and video give you a good idea of the battle, the battlefield, the participants, the situation and the consequences of the battle won by Napoleon. Very worthwhile.

In/ next the museum (Prace) there is a cozy and quaint café where you can drink a cup of coffee and perhaps also have a meal.


  • Name: wild camping spot Prace hill


On the hill of Prace behind the large monument and the museum is a pretty grove where you can camp "wild". It is not very thick and there are some paths, but it is possible if you stay very quiet (we had the feeling that there were people in the museum late at night) to spend the night there on the battlefield.


There is a gravel path that goes through the field and you can turn and walk into the forest. A magical and very interesting place but it can be fresh/chilly on top of the hill. 


  • Name: wild camping spot Austerlitz


Behind the castle and the golf course (and football fields) is a hill with some greenery on it. At the top is a plateau where it is open and it is impossible to find a place for your tent. On the right side is a BMX bike track where you better not go (for camping). There are a lot of trails on the hill anyway so that wild camping is almost excluded.


We found on the left side under the top a piece of plateau where you can camp behind some small hills and trees for a night. Not an ideal place because you have to climb the steep hill first.

Spending time:

For example, you can spend a morning on the hill of Prace where you can see the museum but also the battlefield and the tower. After a visit in Austerlitz (palace) it might be an idea to stay here. Then you have to have your own transport (there is a lack of public transport in and from Prace) and/or you have to camp "wild" as we have done.



In Prace is nothing more than a very small shop and the museum. Austerlitz is more of a city with a bus station and a center full of shops, hotels and restaurants.

see also: