
Czech Republic has a variety of attractions on all levels, in all areas. Here below you see a list of cities, sites, nature parks, etc. of the sights I visited while travelling in the country. These are divided into an introduction, highlights, history and other (general) information such as transportation, accommodation options and sometimes information about tours you can take.



Brno is the second city of the Czech Republic but much less touristy than Prague; it is a bit rougher at the edges also. The most important sight is perhaps the Petrov hill where you have a beautiful view of the city and the Spilberk hill where once a prison was located. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | City


Cesky Krumlov

Český Krumlov is with it’s amazing old town, castle on the ridge and beautiful setting one of the country’s biggest tourist attractions and even maybe Central Europe. It is not for nothing that has been listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1992. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | City



Czechoslovakia built an impressive defense-line with numerous bunkers just before the outbreak of WWII beware of attacks from Hungary, Poland or Germany around its entire border. In Darkoviche you can visit one of those bunkers now installed as a museum. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | Sight



The historically important Czech town of Jihlava is known as the birthplace of musician Mahler. Another reason to visit the town is the presence of a few “rare” snow leopards in the interesting zoo situated in the centre of town. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | City


Kutna Hora

I think that after Prague the city of Kutna Hora is one of the most beautiful on Czech territory; it has an impressive bones chapel but also typical local architecture, a unique row of Biblical statues and a beautiful church. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | City



It is no more than a beautiful green valley with a number of memorials, trees and some concrete foundations. But here once stood the village Lidice which after the attack on Nazi-bons Reinhard Heydrich was razed to the ground. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | Sight



Olomouc was once the capital of Moravia and is now a lively student city with many restaurants, shops and cafés. It is known in the Czech Republic as one of the most beautiful, interesting, most active cities in one and as busy as capital Prague. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Places of Interest | City


Prace/ Austerlitz

It was on the strategic hill of Prace that Napoleon won his most important victory of his whole life in 1805. In the nearby Austerlitz the treaties were signed in the still existing castle is now changed into a museum with the original capitulation-room. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | Sight and City



Prague is one of the biggest touristic pearls of cities in the world. The city is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and the historic center is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Castles, a beautiful bridge, architecture, an old cemetery and much more. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 1996, 2015 and 2016 | Places of Interest | City



Stramberk is a small authentic Czech village with a castle on the highest peak and a sweet little village square where many Czech families come to visit. Beautiful wooden houses posted on a hill, ancient cobbled stoned streets like an old picture card. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | Village



The most beautiful part of town must be the elongated triangular square Namesti Zachariase z Hradce where on both sides friendly Renaissance and Baroque houses stand built in each style and in each color combination. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | City



Theresienstadt was the model concentration camp of the Nazis in WW2, but many people do not know that it was also a former fortified town that is still largely standing. You can visit it on a day trip from Prague and is definitely worth it. Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | Sight



With a beautiful mysterious cemetery and a unique preserved Jewish quarter, Trebic scores high on the list of most impressive sights of the country. Strangely enough not many (Western) tourists have discovered this "gem" (yet). Read more >>>



Czech Republic | Travel 2014 | Travel Story | City