
Places of Interest - Cuba



This is the mecca of Cuba; the most beautiful and most impressive colonial city in the country. It is therefore also not surprising that this place has been designated as a UNESCO site. Walking in the cobbled old streets flanked by beautifully renovated brightly colored colonial buildings with large courtyards (patios) that are now often used as a restaurant, studio or hotel. In addition to the overwhelming architecture, this city is also located in a valley and the surrounding hills (mountains so said) make the picture even more complete if this is possible. 


It was here that the later conqueror of Mexico tried to find his recruits, in the third Spanish settlement of his newly conquered country called Cuba. Despite this early foundation, Trinidad has long remained a forgotten area where smugglers roamed and where the money had to come from growing tobacco and cattle. In the beginning of the 19th century, the village gained momentum; French refugees settle in the city fleeing a slave revolution in Haiti and build numerous sugar mills in the nearby valley.


The city is flourishing and the buildings of today come mainly from this prosperous period. In two years of independence struggle almost all windmills are destroyed and the trade disappears. You can now visit the beautiful valley and some very interesting lands and buildings such as "Manaca Iznaga".


Downtown Trinidad:

A colonial pearl in the middle of one of Spain's most important former colonies. Trinidad is not on the UNESCO World Heritage List for nothing and houses a wealth of beautiful renovated colonial buildings of all kinds. The heart of the city is the impressive Plaza Mayor with a unique cathedral and a courtyard garden.


Classic old American cars, baseball-playing children, horse-drawn carriage, coco-taxis and many tourists populate the old town. It looks more like a museum than a center and it is therefore not surprising that you find numerous restaurants, cafes, museums, hotels, casa particulares and studios with beautiful tiled patios, courtyards, gardens and brightly colored façades. It is a tourist trap but one that must have seen to complete your trip to Cuba.


What is missing is a nice, cozy, open and local terrace where you can enjoy the passing mob with a cold beer in your hand.

Manaca Iznaga:

About 15 km east of Trinidad lies the estate Manaca Iznaga, once the domain of Cuban richest slave owner Pedro Iznaga. The most eye-catching and visible from far away from the region is the 44 meter high tower that served as an observation tower to keep an eye on working slaves.


Now you have a beautiful view over the whole valley and the mountains in the distance. In the house of the former owner is now a restaurant and a souvenir shop but the supreme atmosphere is still present. Outside, a variety of Cuban sewing in the form of dresses, T-shirts and other souvenirs is offered in a long row of stalls. You pay 1 CUC to enter the tower.


tips & advice (2013)

Trinidad - Manaca Iznaga: you can of course take a tour to this place but you can also walk to the pumping station in the southeast of the city and try to stop a truck, taxi or local bus for a lift. It took me a little one and a half hours, but then I could go for 5 Peso. Back went easier; 3 pesos with a local bus that stops at about 100 meters from the gate. It is about 15 kilometers east of Trinidad.


Trinidad - Santa Clara: because I like to travel cheaply and between the locals, I wanted to take the truck not knowing that this is forbidden for (western) tourists and secondly that there is almost no transport directly. You have to go back to the gas station (see above) where you have to wait for transport to Sancti Spiritus. In Sancti you can again take a truck (more on schedule and at the bus station) to Santa Clara.


Expect to lose a few hours and you have a soar ass. The trucks are small and you have to stand up very often. Prices are 10 (Trinidad - Sancti) and then 2x 10 from Sancti to Santa Clara.

  • Name: Museo Historico Municipal

Address: Simon Bolivar 423

Price: 2 CUC

Time: 09:00 - 17:00 Saturday to Thursday



The beautiful building located in the center of the city is now a museum and was once owned by a German called Kanter (or Cantero). The man came to his fame to poison a rich slave trader and marry his widow. The woman too was killed by a never explained cause.


The German himself would also die due to illness. The rooms of the big house are decorative and give a good picture of how rich people in this period lived. There is a large patio and you can climb to the tower of the house which gives a beautiful panorama of the city. Only for this is the admission price worth the money.


Paladares El Ache: You have to walk out of the center (in the street Perez) but then you will find a nice, cozy and small restaurant along the road with several tables on a terrace. It is cozy and looks very good. Here you can eat Creole which tastes fantastic, but also crema (ice cream), bread and spaghetti.


Creole food (rice, chicken, salad etc.) costs 4 CUC. Recommended!

  • Name: Casa Ruth Martin Rodriguez

Address: Frank Pais no. 38

Price: 15 CUC (excluding breakfast)

Phone nr. : 4396

Email: (



Next to the house where Ruth and Mario live (grandmother and grandfather) is a house with two rooms for rent. It is a bit out of the center and therefore a lot cheaper and quieter. The rooms are clean, spacious and you have your own toilet and shower. In the center of the house there is a large round table with four chairs and a sitting area with a sofa and lazy loungers. You can use the fridge (which is also filled, with pricey goods) and the kitchen.


There is a large patio with two rocking chairs and under a large parasol a large table where you can have breakfast (or dinner) which can also be served. These are also slightly more expensive than I am used to (eg 8 CUC for dinner and 3 for breakfast). The couple is friendly and another advantage is that you get your own key from your own section - so you do not have to go through their house all the time.


The disadvantage is that the nephew (one of their children lives above the house) who makes quite some noise in the backyard and that the staircase leading upstairs is built above the room. The breakfast is pricey (4 CUC) but overwhelming.


see also: