San Augustin

Places of Interest - Colombia



San Augustin is the most important archaeological site of Colombia and should not be missed in your itinerary through the country. There are actually three large groups of stone-carved figures to be distinguished; the best examples have been collected in the archaeological park which is located about 3 kilometers from the eponymous village.


The second group is also within walking distance but you can also rent for example a horse. Finally, with a jeep tour you can admire the last group that is located about 25 kilometers away. Unfortunately, little is known about the people who carved these figures, symbols and animals since they apparently had no written language. Besides the sculptures, the surrounding nature of San Augustin is wonderful, full of greenery and mountains. 


San Augustin (archaeological park):

It seems that two centuries-old cultures met at the intersection of two major waterways (Magdalena and Cauca River) to trade goods, pray and bury their dead. Because the high mountains in this area were impassable during parts of the year they used these rivers as roads.


From the volcanic rock they chopped statues (some are lifelike, others monsters with big teeth and weapons and again others are animals) and used them at their tomb. In the archaeological park of “San Augstin”, the best preserved examples have been put together in four groups (mesinas), which mean small tables since some have made a large stone horizontally above the statues). Some images are about 7 meters high. 


In addition to the groups of sculptures, there is a piece of stone carved on a piece of flat stone together with figures of which some are still recognizable (human figures but also animals) through which a river flows down. Probably these baths were used in ritual meetings. Now a bamboo bridge has been built over it so you can take a good look at them without damaging the images.


There is also the Alto de Lavapatas which is the oldest group of statues. Perhaps not the best preserved examples, but from here you have a beautiful panorama over the valley and the mountains in the distance. Finally you can take a look at the sculpture park - again not the best ones examples but the "setting" in the middle of the jungle makes this walk very special. 


All in all, you can spend about 3 to 4 hours in the park; 


ENTRY PRICE: 20,000 COL (2 days - you get a strap around you'r wrist). 


Other sights:

  • Museo Arqueologico and the other groups of sites (Alto de Los Idolos, Alto de las piedras and El Tablon, La Chaquira, La Pelota and El purutal). 


tips & advice (2013)

Popayan - San Augustin: there are at least two bus companies that drive from Popayan to San Augustin and you can’t miss them at Popayan's bus terminal. The price starts at 30,000 but you can easily finish at a third of that price. Check the departure times as there is sometimes still "space". There is a paper with departure times on the window.


The road is partly paved but for the most part just a wide gravel path where oncoming traffic may still have problems passing. If it rains hard and a lot the gravel path becomes a mud path. Normally the journey takes about 4.5 to 5 hours. At the junction for San Augustin (the town) the bus stops (usually) and you are referred to a jeep taxi. Do not worry this is all inclusive. This drops you in the center of the town.

One of the best meals I have eaten is unfortunately not a local (Colombian) one; it was in the hostel's restaurant and it was a "green curry with chicken". Not cheap (14,000 COL) but for me it was worth it. And do not forget to order breakfast - this too is super (and also fills for lunch).


  • Name: Finca El Maco

Address: 2 km from the village of San Augustin (towards the archaeological park)

Price: 18,000 (dormitory)

Phone nr. : 837 3437, 311 271 4802




This beautiful finca is located a short distance from the town San Augustin and also from the archaeological park. There is a large garden with a number of "African" style huts with thatched roofs that act as a shelter. One acts as a restaurant where there is also a refrigerator where you can take your own drinks (this is not included) while in the other there is a kitchen, some hammocks (here you can also stay) and a ping pong table.


The rest are rooms where the "singles" are pricey (I heard some in between of 35,000 and 65,000). There is an internet room available but it did not work when I was there (unfortunately). WIFI is not present. The restaurant serves pricey but delicious meals (including curry and spaghetti) and there is a tour operator who can help you with trips in and around San Augustin (jeeps and horses).


The owner is a Swiss and speaks Spanish, English, French and German.

If you want to visit one of the two archaeological sites in this region I would advise you to go to the archaeological site of San Augstin. But if you are more interested in nature than I would go to Tierradentro. The best thing is to go to both with a short break because they look alike (for people like me).


I can advise you that you do not want to be able to view all sites in one day. If you want to see everything then take at least 2 days; it must be said that all images start to look a bit like each other after watching a few hours of "images" and “statues”. Just pick the best and enjoy.


see also: