Ratanakiri region (Ban Lung)

Places of Interest - Cambodia



Here no rice fields and sugar beets - the rugged east of the country is hilly, wooded with many rivers and crater lakes. But the expansion of rubber- and coffee plantations, mining and cashewnut farms is a cause for concern. In addition to a small Lao community, the region also has its own minorities such as the Jarai, Tompoun and Kreung tribes. The district Ratanakiri is located in the northeast of Cambodia and has a wealth of natural beauty.


Ban Lung is the big city in the middle of the district Ratanakiri and from there you can make beautiful hikes to the many national parks around and/or to parts of the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail. The city itself has little to offer but can well serve as a basis to go out. Although, many minorities come to the markets in Ban Lung to make it the liveliest city in the region. A layer of red fabric (known from the Vietnam-war) will be your part because it’s everywhere. 


Bung Yeak Lom:

About 5 km east of the city of Ban Lung lies this beautiful crater lake. It is located in the middle of the protected nature reserve Yeak Lom and because of that it’s surrounded by green jungle. Legend has it that it originated more thousands of years ago and that it is a sacred place.


Minority groups claim that strange creatures live in this blue perfectly rounded lake. You can take a dip in the meteor lake from the wooden jetty or walk around it. You can of course walk here (about an hour) from the city or hire a "moto".


Finally, you can combine it with a home-made (scooter) tour. Entrance for tourists is $ 1.

Chunchiet cemeteries:

The Chunchiet people buried their dead in the middle of the jungle; in doing so they made two wooden dolls similar with the person who died which also "guard" the grave. Often there are also large tusks of elephants. The wooden sculptures are measured often one meter in size.


There are several cemeteries in Ratanakiri - some are abandoned, by others people ask for a small entrance fee but in Kachon you can certainly take a look. They are sacred places for the local Tompuon and Jarai people sop lease pay you’re respect before you go into the forest.  


Other attractions:

  • Tje Chaa Ong waterfall and Voen Sai (see tour).



In the 1960s, more and more communist Vietnamese crossed the border from Vietnam into Cambodia to flee from American firepowe (bombing). Prince Sihanouk became increasingly anti-American during the 1960s and allowed many weapons to enter the country via the port city of Sihanoukville.


When he was deposed, the new Cambodian leadership wanted all Vietnamese to leave the country within a week, which degenerated into war. Within a few months the entire east of the country was occupied by the Vietnamese communists and their allies the Khmer Rouge. The Americans were convinced that in the tip of Cambodia (the province of Svay Rieng) a Communist Pentagon was established (while this was not the case) and in 1969 they start to bomb the region without permission.


It was true that Khmer leader Pol Pot and his right hand Ieng Sary fled to the region in 1963 and settled in Ta Veng and set up a red headquarters here. In 1970, a joint ground attack by South Vietnamese and Americans was used to better control the area. 


In 1973 the town Neak Luong was brutally bombed because the Americans saw it as an advance from the Khmer Rouge to the capital Phnom Penh. The American government tried to cover up the mistake, but a journalist got the hang of it and it became a national scandal (all of this can be seen in the movie the Killing Fields). From the East of the country came very different kind of Khmer fighters from the other parts and it took until 1977 until Pol Pot (leader of the Khmer Rouge) dared to impose his will here openly.


A battle between the Khmer hung in the air, until the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia in 1978 and drove the Khmer to the Thai border.


tips & advice (2009)

There is no busstation in Ban Lung and you get on and off at the office of the bus company. Usually these are (luckily) located in the center.


Ban Lung - Kratie: you can take the bus from Ban Lung to the capital Phnom Penh and get off in Kratie. Bus company "Hua Lian" runs daily at 7:00 am - costs $ 6. Duration - between 4 and 5 hours.

  • Name: Hostel Tree Lodge (Ban Lung)

Price: $ 4 (single)



Perhaps about 500 meters southeast of where the bus stops you can find this fine hostel on the edge of the valley. Especially the restaurant where you can also sit without ordering (as a guest) is the big attraction here because of the view. The room is also well cared for but very noisy. You also have your own toilet and shower. Unfortunately breakfast is exclusive but you can order it in the restaurant.


The people are very friendly and speak a little English. Everything looks professional.

You can make different types of tours from Ban Lung into the region. You can also go out on your own and hire a scooter and start your own research. I paid four dollars a day for a scooter. 

  • Elephant trip: you can make a tour for $ 10 per hour per hour (don’t do this on behalf of the elephants).
  • Tour I: about $ 50 p.p. (3 days, 2 nights) - including Ho Chi Minh Trail
  • Tour II: from $ 115 p.p. (Virachay NP) *


Content "Tour II" - O'Lapeung River valleys trekking: 

This is the cheapest tour that takes 3 nights and 4 days. The tour starts in Ta Veng with a boat trip on the famous Tonle San river. This day ends in the Brau village in Phum Yorn. This is where you sleep in local people’s home. The you climb to the top of the "Phnom Meive" and continue through the valley of O'Lapeung where you sleep at a kind of campsite.


The third day you pass a section of the infamous Ho Chi Minh Trail and you can spot some war equipment. After a second night in the Brau village you will return to Ta Veng with an inflatable kayak.


Own (day) tour:

You can easily plan your own trip and rent a scooter. I made the following day trip. Try to do the crater lake early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the "tour groups" and the school children are gone. So you have it more for yourself.


1. Voen Sai (an old village at 35 km from Ban Lung);

2. Chunchite cemetery Kachon (see above);

3. Waterfall Chaa Ong (8 km west of Ban Lung);

4. Boen Yeak Lom (see above).


see also: