Ouro Preto

Places of Interest - Brazil



Since 1981 Ouro Preto (Portuguese for “black gold”) is on the UNESCO World Heritage list and that is not for nothing. The unique town, the crown of the state Minas Gerais, is a collection of beautiful baroque churches and buildings located over various ravines and hills. At the end of the 17th century gold was found here and the Portuguese thought they had found El Dorado.


In addition to gold and fortune seekers, prostitutes and slaves, many poets, writers and architects came to this area and turned the hamlet into a large, impressive, prosperous city. After decades of being a capital city, it was relocated to the nearby city Belo Horizonte in 1897, so that the old town remained unchanged. Just outside the city you can visit perhaps the most impressive gold mines of the state. It is now a museum.


Inner city Ouro Preto:

Some streets are so steep that you almost fall backwards. The inner city is built against hills on and in the ravine between mountains. Biggest highlights are the  beautiful unique baroque churches (23 in total) and buildings built during the "gold rush" mid 18th century.


The Igreja de Sao Francisco de Assi is perhaps the most beautiful of all with beautiful paintings on walls (murals) and ceilings but there are several smaller but equally impressive churches to see. But walking across the main square and cobble-stoned streets is an event in itself. A visit to the center of Ouro Preto should not be missed on a trip to Brazil.

Minas de Passagem (gold mine):

This gold mine was opened in 1719 and is now part of the museum that is located here. An almost antique cable car takes you through a small hole in the immense underground tunnel complex where only a small part has been made accessible to the public.


Nevertheless, it gives a unique insight into the lives of the often (black slave) miners. A guide is required. In addition, there is still a small building with mining supplies and some other attributes are set up outside. Well worth it. (entrance fee: 24 R $).


tips & advice (2011)

Ouro Preto - Minas de Passagem: you can take any local bus that runs between Ouro Preto and Mariana. Ask the driver if he stops at the (gold)mine.


Ouro Preto - Rio de Janeiro: A bus leaves Rio de Janeiro every day around 11:00; this trip takes about 7 hours to Ouro Preto. The expensive trip (good quality bus) costs 98 R $ - the cheaper you can buy for R $ 70.

A little further than our hostel (see below) are a number of small local restaurants (little eateries); here you can eat very cheap and good between people's premises. Chicken, rice and beans for R $ 7.

Diagonally opposite Casa Grande we have found a good new hostel (via the information desk at the bus station) for a reasonable price (RS 27 pp in the very small dormitory (where three beds are) and 80 for a double with free breakfast and internet use).


There are different types of rooms and the staff is friendly and helpful. In the morning there is breakfast (included) in the restaurant. The center is within walking distance and also walking to the busstation is possible. It is on top of the mountain so you have to have “flexible legs.


see also: