Jericoacoara and Canoa Cabrada

Places of Interest - Brazil



There are two small beach villages on both sides of the metropolis city of Fortaleza where millions live. Jericoacoara is about 7 hours by bus north of that city while Canoa Cabrada and more than 3 hours south. "Jeri" as the locals call it affectionate is no more than five connected sandpaths with souvenir shops, hotels, cafes and restaurants and companies selling beach-buggies on both sides. It has a pretty wide sandy beach with a few beautiful dunes. More than enough nightlife here.  


Canoa Cabrada is more upmarket than Jeri - the streets are paved and here and there are a few real big hotels where you can find real tourist beaches. The narrow beach has some very unique and typical high pink dunes that are hardened by erosion. Dozens of beach huts have been built on the beach itself. It is here where many Brazilians come to enjoy big beach-parties but you can also spot some foreign tourists.


Dunes (Jericoacoara)

Around the small town Jericoacoara are several high sand dunes where you have a beautiful view over the Atlantic Ocean on the one hand and the interior on the other. It is possible to bump with a cart pulled by a mule to a deserted beach, where you can see some unique rock-formations formed by wind and erosion (Pedra Furada).


Oddly enough, you will pass green hills covered with grass. In the evening it is customary to go up the high climbing dune together with the classrooms to enjoy the panorama and the setting sun. Afterwords you can go back to “romantic’ “Jeri” and wander around on the sandy paths in the street looking for a nice cosy restaurant or bar to spend the evening. 

Beach (Canoa Cabrada)

The highlight of a visit to Canoa Cabrada is walking or lying on the beach with a view of the very special "hard" dunes that look pink-like, as if they are on fire.


Against this unique background are numerous beach shacks where you can be pampered by drinking a delicious fresh coconut or something stronger in a hammock.


When it gets dark, the town gives plenty of opportunities to eat and then have a drink together with the locals and countless other tourists.


tips & advice (2011)

Fortaleza to Jericoacoara: This bus trip will take you at least six hours. In the town of Jijoca you have to change busses - one of the options is an open bus that runs over the beach in the direction of "Jeri" in about an hour (24 km). On the way back we drove directly from the small bus station on a paved road back to Fortaleza.


TIP: book (make a reservation) a ticket from "Jeri" to Fortaleza - it can get very busy (especially in high season)


Fortaleza to Canoa Cabrada: There seem to be about 4 buses a day to that will take about 3,5 hours to make it between Forta and CC. In the center of Canoa Cabrada there is a ticket office where you can order and buy bus tickets.

  • Name: Pousada Juventude Familia (Jericoacoara)

Address: Rua do Forro, S / N

Telephone: 088 3669-2121



This hostel has an inner courtyard with a main building at the front where breakfast is served in the morning. You can have your laundry done while you’re hanging yourself in you’re personal hammock in front of your room and the room is equipped with a toilet and shower. The service is fantastic and the price is very reasonable.


Besides the above hostel there is also a campsite in Jericoacoara - it is small and you have to "search" for a place with some shade. There is a public place where you "hang" around but also cook. In the middle of the small campsite is a kind of bunker where the showers and toilet are located. 


  • Name: Ibiza (Canoa Cabrada)

Address: Rua Broadway N. 360

Price: 50R $ (double with shower and toilet)

Phone: +55 88 3421-7262



We were picked up at the busstation and in the main street we booked a room in a hostel with lots of flags of countries hang outside with a restaurant below. The man has different rooms and you have to bargain hard. A breakfast buffet was served on the balcony and there was free internet access. The room was fine though the owner was somewhat indecent.


see also: