Foz de Iguacu

Places of Interest - Brazil


There is really only one good reason to visit the city of Iguazu (which literally means "big waters" in a traditional Indian language) which are the waterfalls of the same name. You can visit it from the Brazilian side (wherever the city is located) and on the Argentine side where the biggest part of the waterfalls and everything is located. The waterfalls are perhaps the biggest attraction of South America alongside Machu Pichu (Peru) and a must see when travelling in this area. In an area of around 3 km about 270 waterfalls come down in a beautiful jungle area.


The city is not without danger (there is a lot of smuggled) and that is also because it is on the three borders of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.


Foz de Iguazu (waterfalls):

The famous waterfalls are actually a whole of between 270 and 300 waterfalls all together, depending on the amount of water that flows through the Iguaçu River. In total, the falls are 2.7 kilometers wide and fall down to 82 meters.


The most famous part of the waterfalls is the Garganta do Diabo (“throat of the devil”), a large semicircular waterfall of 150 meters wide in which the water falls 70 meters in depth. Right across this point is also the border between Argentina and Brazil, making the largest part of the waterfalls in Argentinian territory. However, the water flows away from Argentina, giving the most complete view of the Brazilian side. Brazilians proudly tell about the visit that Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of the American president Franklin D. Roosevelt, brought to the falls.


After seeing so much beauty, the first Lady spoke: "Poor Niagara!" referring tot he famous waterfalls on the border of Canada and the US. The waterfalls of Iguaçu are indeed larger than those of Niagara. A better comparison can be made with the Victoria Falls in Africa. Iguaçu is 2.7 kilometers wider than the approximately 1.6 kilometers from the Victoria Falls, even without the 900 meters of various small islands between the waterfalls. The Victoria Falls, however, do not have any intermediate islands at high tide, making it the largest contiguous waterfall in the world. The Victoria Falls also gain in volume and finally in accessibility.


The waterfalls are located in two national parks, Iguazú National Park in Argentina and Iguaçu National Park in Brazil, which were added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1984 and 1986 respectively. By means of wooden boardwalks you can visit different parts of the park and see the waterfalls from different sides. 

tips & advice (2011)

Foz de Iguazu (city) - Foz de Iguazu (park): you take bus no. 120 from the city to the park - this is about 20 km.


Foz de Iguazu (city) - Sao Paulo: there is a bus at 19:30 in the direction of the big city of Sao Paulo ("Pluma") - with a bit of luck you'll be in SP the next morning around 11:00 AM.

  • Name: Bambu hostel

Address: Rua Edmundo de Barros

Price: 35 Real (dormitory) including breakfast

Phone nr. : 00 (54) 3757 425864




A very professional backpacker's hostel and a great place to arrange things and meet other travelers. Little “populair” and not so suitable for people who want peace and want to plan their own trip and are more interested in local people and customs. This is just as Western as Europe or the United States. There are PCs, there is WIFI, a good working reception, people speak good English, hot showers and there is a nice seating area.


Outside is a swimming pool and there is plenty of room to hang your hammock.

EXTRA info for visiting the falls:

  • Entrance Brazilian side: 37 Real;
  • Bus to the end of the park (25 minutes); it’s an open tourist-bus.


If you want to go to the Argentine side (which is the largest part), it is best to book a tour at the hostel if you do not want to spend too much time at the border.

  • Argentinian side; 100 peso entrance fee

You take a train into the park and you can watch the beautiful panormas of the waterfalls on two floors. It’s acutally a must to check out both sides of the waterfalls (in two countries).

see also: