Uyuni Salt Flat (Los Lipez)

TOURS - Bolivia



The tour to Los Lipez is maybe one of the most beautiful and diverse tours you can take in the continent but fors ure in Bolivia. Flora, fauna, indigenious people and ofcourse the biggest salt-lake in the world will be you’re part. Because it’s all situated in national parks you will have to have you’re own transport otherwise it’s impossible to experience it all.


The town of Tupiza is one of the best (transport)hubs to look for a tourcompany that can take you around the park. 

Name tourcompany: "El Grano de Oro" (Sylvia)

Cost tour: 1220 Bol per person (2011)

Group: 4 persons



- the jeep inclusive petrol, insurance and a driver and cook;

- 3 nights accomodation;

- Food and drinks. 



- Entrance: Sol de Manana National Park 150 Bol entrance

- Snacks, extra drinks (beer) and possibly souvenirs and if you want to tip the group. 



DAY 1:

  • Departure early in the morning from Tupiza (in front of the “tour-company”) – common loading of the jeep;
  • First tourist spot is the valley Palala;
  • Visiting El Sillar and Puente de Diablo (viewpoints);
  • The village San Pablo de Lipez and the nearby ruin town is next on the list;
  • Sleeping in Queteno Chico (dormitory).


DAY 2: 

  • After breakfast to the lake Kolppa;
  • Visiting Laguna Verde (the green lake) including the volcano Licancabur (border with Chile);
  • Lunch in room at hot springs (wherever you go);
  • Watching the geysers;
  • End of the day towards Lago Colorado (with numerous flamingos);
  • Sleeping in Huayllajara (dormitory).


DAY 3: 

  • To the Arbol de Piedra (rock formations);
  • Visiting Valle de Los Rocas;
  • Then you go to the village San Christobal;
  • Check in at Colchani (the salt hostel);
  • Walking along the edge of the salt lake Uyuni - then back to hostel for diner.


DAY 4: 

  • Breakfast in the salt museum in the middle of salt lake (Uyuni);
  • Drive around Uyuni and stop at several places;
  • End of tour: to Colchani (bus stop);
  • Bus to Potosi (12:30 otherwise 19:00) and the ride takes about 6 to 7 hours dusty roads - very busy in bus (timely reservation).


tips & advice (2011)

- Search, talk and compare prices, content of the trip, write it all down and take your time - it's one of the most beautiful trips in Bolivia (and maybe South America) and you'd better take a day extra to check it all out before you book the tour;


- Ask about your fellow travelers (age, gender and nationality) and check what they would like to do;


- If you want to sleep in a salt toast (in Uyuni) indicate this and record it;


- Of course you tip - do this in a gift and do not give it "open" to them - that may seem and be disrespectful to them;


- Of course you tip the driver and cook - just as much - but do not give too much - make it anonymous by putting all the money in a pot with the whole group (one has more to spend than the other) and spoil the people there all too much - they expect more and more each time and they start demanding tips - that is not the intention - it is an appreciation from us to them and the low wages;


- Haggle a bit bout the price of the tour - the tour is already very cheap comparing with our western standards and bargaining is a game and not a must.



- Do not take too much alcohol with you - you travel at incredible heights and you have to watch out for altitude sickness.


see also: