Samaipata en El Fuerte

Places of Interest - Bolivia



In recent years, Samaipata has grown from a sleepy village into a real "gringo" tourist village with numerous hostels, restaurants, cafes and travel agencies that are all too happy to help with a tour. Most of them go to the Amboro National Park which is not that far away (and you can approach from two sides) and / or to the beautiful pre-Inca hillsite of El Fuerte.


In addition to more and more Western tourists, many (especially at weekends) local tourists come here to learn about their own history. In the village itself is not that much to experience or you have to want to work on your rest and enjoy the languid life that takes place here. The village has retained its authentic charm despite all Western attention and I hope it’s going to stay that way. 


El Fuerte:

Research has shown that several ethnic groups had already lived in what we now call El Fuerte before the famous Inca’s reached this hilltop. They would have been here in the year 2000 BC while their famous descendants appeared here in 1470 BC. The purpose of the site is controversial; some say it has been defensive statements while others are keeping it on a site to “clean” their gold.


Today we keep it on a religious site. The most important sight of the complex is a 100 meter long rock that has been completely man-made - you can still see cut-out snakes, jaguars and mountain lions from one of the lookout towers today. All scholars agree that sacrifices to the God Pachamama have taken place here. On the sides of the immense rock you can see dozens of niches. The rest of the site is dotted with mud walls and you can also see the remains of a communication system. The site has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1998. 


The entrance fee of El Fuerte is 50 Bol, you get a brochure/folder about the sight and if you have walked here around for two hours or more you have a reasonable picture of what happened here.


tips & advice (2011)

Samaipata - El Fuerte: as there is no public transport to El Fuerte you will have to walk the 10 km OR have to order a taxi. The latter can be done for about 80 BOL (for 2 people) including 2 hours waiting time at the site.


Samaipata - Santa Cruz - Buena Vista: here too you have to take a “shared” taxi - at least 4 people and then you can join 30 Bol pp with usually a jeep. The trip takes about 3 hours and it is especially near Samaipata kinda bumpy. From Santa Cruz you can travel for 20 Bol with a 2 hour trip to Bueno Vista.

We had breakfast our intended hostel (which was way too expensive for us to sleep at) La Posada del Sol - it is not cheap but it is a lot and delicious. You sit in the living room in a very homely whole. You pay 27 Bol pp.

  • Name: Landhous

Address: Calle Murillo

Price: 30 Globe (single)

Phone nr. : + 591-3-944 6033




Firstly a very nice and good welcome - the owners are German (as the name suggests) and everything is also very Western (European) decorated with a Bolivian mix. In the very large and beautiful garden is a small pool and everything is built in and on plateaus. The rooms are simple and fine especially when you look at the price.


There is a very large public/play area with tables and chairs and you can also watch DVDs in addition to playing games or reading a book.


see also: