Amboro National Park (Bueno Vista)

Places of Interest - Bolivia



Bueno Vista has a nice cozy central square surrounded by a variety of small terraces, restaurants and a number of hostels. Most people that come here visit the nearby national park Amboro; in Buena Visto it’s possible to get a guide and/or a tour to the park.


Because the "other" side of the park (from Samaipata) is a lot more popular, Buena Vista is a quiet, still partly traditional piece of Bolivia to enjoy. Also pay attention here - there is no ATM (and/or bank) so bring enough money from Santa Cruz.


Amboro National Park:

The park is situated on a unique triptych - on one side are the mountain peaks of the mighty Andes while on the other side the low dusty and dry Chaco plateau is located. Northeast lies the humid jungle; the Amazon basin.


Over the past few decades, the park has expanded considerably and, due to its diversity of different ecosystems, the park also contains a very diverse fauna and flora. You can encounter jaguars, cougars, tapirs and the spectacled bear. But there are also dozens of species of birds, parrots but also monkeys. If you want to visit the park, register at the SERNAP office in Bueno Vista.


There is a gravel path parallel to the park (and the mountain range) where you can take taxis that can take you to different entrees. From there you can enter the park via various trails, which in turn often run parallel to rivers that come from the mountains.


tips & advice (2011)

Buena Vista - Las Cruces: you can (only) take a taxi in the center and ask if it will take you to Las Cruces. He will ask about 30 Bol pp and if you want to go to the river (7 km) you probably have to pay only 40. He will not be happy because the last part is only bumps, holes and lots of dust and gravel.


Buena Vista - Santa Cruz: the best (and the cheapest) way is to take a shared taxi to the town Moreno which is about halfway - here you pay 8 Bol for. Then there you take another taxi for another 8 Bol. About 2 to 3 hours later you are in the center of Santa Cruz.

The popular restaurant La Plaza which is indeed prominently located on the central square, is actually the only real restaurant there is - it looks like a 5 star establishment but this is not the case. The prices are reasonably and the food is fine.

  • Name: Residencia Nadia

Address: Seville 186

Price: 80 Globe (double room)

Phone nr. : +591 3 932 2049



This hostel is just a bit away from the busy and large central square and that is exactly the intention - it is quiet but central. The rooms are next to the patio (including hammock) and are fine. The shower and toilet are inclusive (in the room) and work well = hot. There is a fan but there are also mosquitoes! The old woman is the boss and very friendly in itself.


see also: