Woodend (Melbourne area)

Travel Stories - Australia


For me it was not really necessary to work for my livelihood with regard to my journey through Australia. Yet I was curious about what it would be like to work with other travelers, tourists from different countries to save some money and work in a country like here downunder. I decided to email some WOOF farms with the story that I wanted to experience the change of working in Australia for a few days without my having to pay for the money.


I received an e-mail from Sean that they did not actually ask people anymore but wanted to make an exception for me. On January 4th they would pick me up at the Woodend train station for a short stay on their farm north of Melbourne. I remember having a range in my mind / fantasy with hundreds of cows and Australian cowboys with hats on their heads and a wild look in their eyes. It was all different.

Hesket House

In the early afternoon I would arrive with the BENDIGO train from Melbourne on the small station of Woodend. Sean was already waiting for me with the jeep and we made the acquaintance. We came to a large site and I saw the villa with a large green garden around it, a small lake behind it and in the distance mountains and forest. But where were the stables and the animals?


In the big house, which had no upper floors, I got to know the other resident - Peter. That they were a set I saw immediately but I did not feel embarrassed at all and they did either. Other WOOF people were not there unfortunately. After a cup of coffee Peter asked if I would like to take a walk through the forest - work would come tomorrow. He explained what the futureplans where with the complex which were big.


We saw some kangaroos and wallabies in the forest. Later we ate dinner at the big table together and after watching TV, I retired to my room, but with the intention to do something really tomorrow because I was there anyway.


After breakfast Peter asks if I would like to be so kind to help in the garden which is of course the intention. He asks if I want to mow the grass and build a wall of firewood. There must be a hole dug in the ground, other wood must be cleaned up and the garden must be raked. In between we eat lunch.


It is around three when the men come up to me and say that it is more than enough today. I can classify myself for the rest of the afternoon. I decide to borrow one of the air mattresses and use it in the water in the lake behind the house. Between the greenery and the swans I float away with a setting sun.


When I have enough of it I tell the boys that I'm going to take a walk in the woods. Wonderful to walk alone in here - I see a wallaby, but also some kangaroos and parrots. In the evening we watch some TV, dine together and then go back to my room to read something tonight.

an american actor

Yesterday evening I have already decided and announced that I am going back today to Melbourne which is oke with the guys. In the morning I ask what I will do today and the men look at me, then each other and then back at me. Yesterday I actually did enough they want to say but for me it would be no problem if I have to do some more work this morning before I leave.


After breakfast I make a nice walk in the woods where I spot many different animals again; especially my meeting with three large kangaroos a few meters away is impressive. When I return to the villa, the men ask if I think it's okay to take a trip on top of the big lawnmower. Perfect - finally I almost want to say. I feel myself like an actor in an American movie when I sit on top of the machine and take care of the lawn under me. 


My train should go at half past three and Sean would like to take me to the popular Hanging Rock picnic spot which is not too far from there. He tells along the way in the jeep that the site was known for a book and film. Actually, a sacred site of the Wurrenjerie Aborigines and it was also a shelter for Rangers for years. The site is popular for picnics and you can different walks. We drive a few kilometers when we are back in the car and I am nicely dropped at the station.


We say goodbye, I thank the men for the experience and a little later I am back on the train to Melbourne.

tips & advice (2004)

  • Naam : Hesket House Retreat

Adres : 1201 Romsey


Tel.nr. : 03 5427 0668

E-mail : heskethouse@ssc.net.au

see also: