Great Ocean Road

Tours - Australia


The Great Ocean Road is a road of more than 240 kilometers, which lies between the cities of Torquay (on the east side) and Warrnambool (on the west side). In 1919 the construction started by soldiers who returned from the war in Europe (between 1914 and 1918). They built the road parallel on the coast until 1932. The Great Ocean Road was dedicated to the victims of the war and is consequently the largest war memorial for victims of WW1. It is one of the most spectacular (coastal) car routes in the world and is therefore very popular with tourists. 


  • ORGANISATION     : Wayward bus
  • DURATION              : 2 days (1 night)
  • DEPARTURE          : Melbourne (08:00)
  • ARRIVAL                 : Adelaide
  • PRICE                     : 99 AUS $
  • Means of transport  : minibus
  • Persons                   : 15x


Around 08:00 every person from the tour is picked up at his hostel to start the bus trip. You drive then out of Melbourne in the direction of Torgay; in this surfers town the real official Great Ocean Road starts. At noon you arrive in the town Lorne which is the most popular place on the route. Here you eat lunch.


Apollo Bay is the next point where we stopped for stretching our legs and take pictures. The town is less commercial than its big brother Lorne. Mariner's vantage point is about 500 meters walk from the parking lot; the point gives you a great panorama over the coast. 


The Twelve Apostles is the culmination of the Great Ocean Road; it is a rock formation of 12 rocks of which 7 are visible from the road itself. It is possible to make round trips with a helicopter to see them all. They are named after the twelve apostles of Jesus. The rocks are made of sand-lime brick and protrude from the sea just in front of the sandy beach of the Port Campbell National Park. Here is a large information center about the Route as well as a large parking lot.


Like the 12 Apostles, the Loch Ard valley is also part of the park mentioned above. The name Loch Ard comes from a boat that moored here in 1878; it is now a shipwreck. Here you can see the Ark and London Bridge, rock formations that, as the name suggests, represent an ark and a bridge. You arrive at Warrnamboo near the hostel you booked around 6:00 pm, where you can dine. Here you will also stay overnight.

  • Name: Warrnambool Beach Backpackers

Address: 17 Stanley St.

Price: 18 AUS $ (dormitory)

Phone nr. : 5562 4874




This is one of the best and most professional backpack hostels in the state of Victoria. You can choose between a dormitory or a "double". It is fully equipped, clean and close to the sea and the center of Warrnambool. You can easily book "tours" (including the "GOR") and / or accommodation.


Bike rental is free as well as a night tour to the nearby penguin colony. Finally, it is possible that you (free) will be picked up from a bus or train station.


About 15 km northwest of Warrnambool is the Tower Hill State Park. This is the first stop of the second day of the tour. Here you can see nearby kangaroos, emus and koalas. We now drive inland and drive the state Victoria on the way to the mountain Gambier.


Mount Gambier is a Maar-complex located in South Australia in the Newer Volcanics Province, associated with the East Australia Hotspot. It is not clear when the volcano has last erupted. According to some, 28,000 years ago, according to others, only 4900 years ago. If the most recent date is correct, it means it is the most recent volcanic eruption on the Australian mainland.


The eruption has created a large volcano lake that you can look at for a moment. Through the coastal towns of Beachport, Robe, Coorong and Adelaide Hills (where a lot of wine is grown) you enter the clock at 19:00 Adelaide where you will be dropped off at a hostel of your choice just like yesterday evening.

see also: