Blue Mountains (Katoomba)

Travel Stories - Australia


I left Sydney directly by train to the town of Katoomba, the base for a stay in the Blue Mountains. Actually, I feel very tired after another night bus ride from Byron Bay and I feel asleep in the bus immediately.


I walk from the busstop to my hostel in Katoomba and check in in a hostel with a wonderful homely atmosphere. I do some shopping, internet in a cafe and notice what a huge difference in temperature between the coastal strip that I have left from this morning and here in the mountains.


The fog is starting to come down and I decide to go back to the hostel. In one of the easy chairs by the fireplace I take my seat and take my book out of my bag. I chat with fellow travelers, we prepare some food together and I go to my bed early as planned.

Echo Point

Because I went to bed so early I also wake up early too. During breakfast I talk with the Dutch couple I met yesterday evening next to the fireplace. After our chat I decide to do my laundry a bit later. I had hoped that the fog would rise but if it has not cleared by midday I decide to go for a walk anyway.


It is about 2 to 3 km walk to the end of the village where there is a steep rigde. Here you should have a beautiful view of the cliffs and the green Jamison valley in the distance. This is Echo Point and even though I do see some mountain peaks in the distance really bright, it will not be totally visible today.


Looking over the peaks with the hanging mist as a blanket, I remember reading somewhere that it would take the European settlers about 25 years to get over these mountains. I walk all the way back, take a look at the popular cinema The Edge where it's too busy for me and decides to go back to the hostel.

tips & advice (2003)

The Katoomba train station is located on the north side of the town. There is a special Blue Mountains bus company between the train station to Echo Point which is about 3 km away. There will be one every 45 minutes.


Katoomba - Sydney: there is a train every hour to the center of Sydney (Central Station). This takes about 2 hours and costs 11 AUSD.

  • Name: Blue Mountains backpackers

Address: 190 Bathurst Road

Price: 17 AUSD (dormitory)

Phone nr. : 4782 4226



This hostel is just west of the train station and is a lovely old but cozy house. Besides dormitories you also have singles and doubles but you can also camp here. The dorms are spacious and fine but your main purpose should be the very cozy living room where in the evening many people sit and play a game while the fire is burning.

see also: