Tours - Australia



Great Ocean Road

The famous Great Ocean Road is a coastal car-route that runs between Melbourne and Adelaide. The scenery along the route has got beautiful views of the Australian South Coast with rocks, arches where the 12 Apostles are the most famous. Read more >>>



Australia | Travel 2003 en 2004 | Tour | Route


Kakadu National Park

Most of the tourist use the city of Darwin to Kakadu NP which is one of Australia's most popular nature parks in the far north; you can see ancient Aboriginal drawings but also rivers full of crocodiles, wetlands and stunning cliffs. Read more >>>



Australia | Travel 2003 en 2004 | Tour | National Park 



Australia is connected to the large central arid plain which they call the Outback; the homeland of the Aborigines with special places such as Cooper Peddy and the famous Uluru. You can book a 6 day tour which takes you to all important places. Read more >>>



Australia | Travel 2003 en 2004 | Tour | Region